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Phazer Hesitation/Stall


Oct 17, 2013
Reaction score
I have a 08 RTX with 2300 miles. It has good fresh gas in it. When I take off from a stop if I stab the throttle to take off it will stumble and sometimes stall. But if I give it slow even throttle it's fine. Any suggestions on what to look for?
How is the sled at steady throttle higher RPMs any missfire or stumble? You could try a bit of Seafoam in the fuel and see if it clears up.
How is the sled at steady throttle higher RPMs any missfire or stumble? You could try a bit of Seafoam in the fuel and see if it clears up.
It's great at steady throttle and yesterday I had it opened up on a couple trails and no issues. It was coming to cross roads I would tap the throttle quick a couple times crossing and it stalled a few times.
When I got my '07 Mountain Lite a couple of years ago it was doing that occasionally. The idle was set below the minimum and it hasn't happened again since I adjusted the idle correctly.
It's supposed to idle between 1700 and 1900 rpm. The adjustment screw is behind a rubber cap on a panel slightly inboard and behind the left front shock.
When I got my '07 Mountain Lite a couple of years ago it was doing that occasionally. The idle was set below the minimum and it hasn't happened again since I adjusted the idle correctly.
It's supposed to idle between 1700 and 1900 rpm. The adjustment screw is behind a rubber cap on a panel slightly inboard and behind the left front shock.
I'll be sure to check that. I bought new plugs and Seafoam it's currently at the dealer for the wire harness recall it started having an intermittent no start Monday.
Also blown exhaust dognuts along with low idle will cause that.
