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RTX question

No it was not, the GT was the limited build and only because of the shocks.
While not limited production Yamaha Canada does not bring in many over the spring order to keep pricing high and protect spring buyers.

The price is even more in the fall..... Good theory, but I don't think that's the reason. My dealer could get as many RTX's as he wanted.
The Yamaha marketing guys last March told me that they could sell out of some 06 models by mid season because they expect them to be hot sellers.

Pipe dream or fact??????
I think it could likely happen myself.
Well T if the marketing guys at Yamaha expected a higher volume of units to be sold "out" by mid season, and if in fact they do run out,then they didn't do there job very well.They should have alotted for more units then they expected.
I agree rightarm, I don't believe they would sell themself short....
I think it would be nice for them to sell them out by mid season. Maybe the dealers wouldn't have old model years still in crates 2 years down the road and the resale value should be higher. But when most dealers have old model year sleds they are trying to dump it makes your 1 year old sled with 1000 miles on it worth that much less. All the manufacturers should cut back to bring the value back in the sleds, but instead they would rather a dealer have to sit on a sled just in case a sale might turn up.
BM writes(I think it would be nice for them to sell them out by mid season) :? I think it would be nicer if most people sold there outdated equipment ;)! and put some money back into this sport ;)! ,instead of holding on to that 1980,90 dead sled.And maybe then there wouldn't be such a large inventory of newer snowmobiles. ;)! That also goes for helmets,gloves,boots,etc.The amount of people I've come across riding and wearing outdated stuff is mind boggiling.Get with it were in the 20th century.
Maybe they aren't ready to put up $15,000 for a new sled, how myopic are you? Believe me other than Apex and Apex e/r models will be in short supply in Canada.

I guess in your book anybody riding a pre 2003 sled isn't with it. How sad.

GM writes(Maybe they aren't ready to put up $15,000 for a new sled)you're right maybe not, but I'am sure they ready to put out money for cigarettes,coffee,beer,alcohol,drugs,eating out,going to the strip club,and then turn around and complain at the price of a new sled.

And also writes( guess in your book anybody riding a pre 2003 sled isn't with it. How sad)No I said 1980,90 dead sled!

And(07 Attak (hope so))Whats wrong with the 06 sold out!or maybe to much cigarettes,coffee,beer,alcohol,drugs,eating out,going to the strip club prehaps.
