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so how did u like ur rs


VIP Member
Nov 10, 2004
Rice Lake, WI
hey guys
well for most there first season with the 120 is over. for me i have one week left. i have 2834mi with only 1 tors problem, hyfaxes r in decent shape, clutch rattle fixed. sled is awesome :Rockon: cant say enough bout the powerband...mpg...no adding oil. anybody have any major problems?

Only 850 miles this year. :drink: Only very minor problems.. Once at -16 the gages didn't come on right away.. The clutch rattle with my helmet on seems to be a non-issue for me.. Track noise is a little more than I would like.. Other than that, what a great sled.. I love the motor-19 mpg. No oil useage at all.. Love the way it tracks. Nice and straight. MM. ;)!
Loved my vector, much less of a step down from an RX 1 than I thought it would be. Was one of the first to get the clutch fix, that clank was the only thing I did not like about the sled. Fantastic MPG, fast, tossable, I'd be riding it next year if the Apex had not hit all my hot buttons.
kviper said:
Tork i hear ya on the hot button's!!!!

kviper, so great you got that extended ride. That RTX was really an ER under the skin. How is the suspension calibration on that one? I see what you did to your vector skid, so I figure you'll have a really good opinion
05 Red Rage. Love this sled. I also had the TORS issue once. 750 miles so far and am averaging 18 mpg. No oil usage and i love pulling up to the pumps and watching the two strokers check you out. Yesterday i felt a vibration on the front right side of the sled. Upon investigating , the upper right rail where it curves was rubbing on the clips and was within a quarter inch of the track guides. It is at the dealers now and he is going to fix this fri. a.m.. other than that great sled.
Probably about 2 weeks left here...if i'm lucky. 2300 miles on the rage and lovin it! :Rockon: One tors problem, hyfax are jimdandy, and on the second belt. This sled just plain rocks, what more can i say? :Rockon:

1550 miles so far on my Vector, and not one problem! Should be able to get another 300 or so in. The only anoyance is the clutch rattle with will be fixed after I put the sled away for the summer.

Man do I love this sled!
one awesome sled

3600 miles on mine still on original hyfax with a ways to go, wore pretty fast then just stopped. Been waiting about a month for the clutch fix to come in. The only complaint I have is the track howl but what the heck I'll put up with it for how good it hooks up. This is by far the best sled I have owned with zero problems. Sam :yam: :yam: :4STroke: :4STroke: :Rockon: :Rockon: :Rockon: :Rockon: :Rockon: :Rockon: :Rockon: :Rockon:
Well after 1500+ miles I am overall very pleased with the sled. No Tors problem at all, Changed the hyfax just becasue i wanted the blue ones. Clutch rattle will be fixed after the season is over but the UP will still have over a month of riding so I'm not putting it away till the end of April. The suspension is a little weak for my size(250 lbs) but that will be over after the Ohlins are installed. Wish I could say I'm gettin 18-19 MPG but the best I get is 16, probably due to my flo commanders. The powerplant I have nothing but praise for and as far as the track noise thats pretty much a non issue with me. And all for under $8000 new. I am very happy.
sounds like everyone is pleased with there vectors or rages. i was thinkin bout paintin my hood orange....and try and track down an orange windshield. i think that'd be awesome, it'd stand out. i havent got good mpg like u guys, but then again im an aggressive rider...and like playin around. bout 17mpg constantly
Fixed the clutch rattle today. It took the dealer about an hour. Other then then the rattle no issues. Tons of bikes being fixed or getting ready for spring but very few sleds in for repair according to the mechanic. That's nice to hear. Red vector rocks. Brother in law bought an Arctic cat and is always fixing. Can't remember which model. Not much snow left.
Got the Blue Rage.

Put on almaost 2500 miles.Started getting TORS problem after 1000miles. Bypassed- problem gone. Went through 2 sets of skags early on but considering the weight of the sled and the crap I was riding on(no base and only a couple of inches of powder) it should have been expected. I put 2200 miles on my third set and they are still good. 15-20 MPG depending on conditions.
I love my Rage. Supertrax didn't like the proaction, but I do! No problem in the long skid. I would recommend it to anybody!
I love my 05 RS Venture .No real trouble to speak of ,one of the pins for the over load spring adjusters disapeared . Yesteday I blew the belt .
I have the track noise which is the only thing I don't like ,and the clutch rattle ,which doesn't really bother me .I have 4800 km ,and have not seen anything I would rather have .
Just about at 8000 km's now (5000 miles).

I love this sled. Great fuel economy, no oil usage, strong engine and very good ergo's.

I have had a few minor problems.

I have had the plastic inner idler wheels deform on me and then the bearings went. I replaced them mid season and they are now due again. For 06 they are going to a wheel with rubber, I will likely wait and order these once the part numbers are available.

I have noticed the bushings in the A-Arms are likely due to be replaced soon, there is a little more freeplay in the arms than I would like. I will do this at the end of the season.

My gauge has fogged a few times, need to get that addressed.

Other than the above it has been flawless.
