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speedo correction

In a word yes, but that will also throw you odometer out by that much which is fairly accurate out of the box.
Last spring I ran my [new to me] Attak on the ice and speedo dream meter indicated 117mph while my GPS indicated 103mph.
That's a + 12% error in the speedo...pretty sad!

The speedo sensor gear has 15 teeth so I removed 2 teeth which is a 13% correction.

I would definitely prefer a speedo to slightly under indicate then over indicate.
Still better than the old Arctic cat wildcat speedo's, they went to 100mph but everybody used to compare by the letters, " ya, I got to the C on cat!!!" lol!!
In this day and age, especially with the Japanese, there really aren,t any ligitimate excuses that a company can use to justify why the speedos and odometers are out of whack, unless of course, they want them to be, for there own benefit. Guys also use these numbers to figure out mileage, brag about speeds, etc, and that might be a few reasons this stuff happens. Not everyone runs the sleds thru radar, or have GPS. Also the warranty runs out quicker. As if letting the warranty expire for the 9 plus months a year the sleds sit isn,t enough of a beating already. There should be some gov,t legislation to make sure these 2 readings are bang on. It could easily be done, IF they wanted to do it. Kinda interesting why these readings are always on the high side. LOL
It's not just the sled's. My XT 250 Enduro is way off too. When the bike reads 55mph, the garmin shows 48 mph.
I took off one tooth on my 09 rtx and its about 1/2 a mph lower than gps. Close enough for me.
779cookies said:
I took off one tooth on my 09 rtx and its about 1/2 a mph lower than gps. Close enough for me.

Are you guys just using a grinder to remove the teeth?
My understanding, and experience, has been that the speedo is off, but the odometer is correct. ( Not sure how they do that..)[/quote]

That,s what I said earlier, by fixing the speedo you throw out the odometer.
northernsledder.jk said:
779cookies said:
I took off one tooth on my 09 rtx and its about 1/2 a mph lower than gps. Close enough for me.

Are you guys just using a grinder to remove the teeth?

Yes I used a bench grinder with a fresh grinding wheel and carefully ground one tooth off with the edge then rotated the gear 180 degrees and ground the second tooth off. this way the teeth you remove are not side by side but opposite each other.

Worked for me.
I did this a little different. I grinded 6 teeth off. Then I set the speedo to show kph and it is mph. Just the speedo will say kph but it's really mph The odometer is pretty much dead on and the speed will show 3 mph higher at speeds over 100 mph.
An other benifit if you can take it for that is, it only really adds about 60% of the mileage it travels.
evil eagle said:
I did this a little different. I grinded 6 teeth off. Then I set the speedo to show kph and it is mph. Just the speedo will say kph but it's really mph The odometer is pretty much dead on and the speed will show 3 mph higher at speeds over 100 mph.
An other benifit if you can take it for that is, it only really adds about 60% of the mileage it travels.

Thats confusing and really messes with the mileage. 2 teeth will get you soo close and only brings the mileage down a bit which is good if you have a time vs mileage warranty.
My speedo was not out as far as my buddies 07, so I decided to do one. I used a Dremel with a carbide bit, did it right on the sled.
