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Weighed my Mtn. Light


Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
Logan, UT
Got my Mountain Light on a scale today, with exactly 4 gallons of gas in the tank it weighed 546lbs.

That makes it out to be right about 517lbs ready to ride with no gas. That's alot heavier than I had hoped when I snowchecked it, but I'll have it under 490 before the season starts...let the weight loss program commence
That would be me...it's not really airbrushing though... I'm just going to paint them a black and put some flames that fade from blue to silver. Or something like that.
let me know how they turn out. I did a helmet like that a couple years ago. It turned out pretty good for my first one.
I'll try to get pics posted when I get them done. It'll be a few weeks though. The guy making the front end kit is gonna have the sled for a week or two.

Then I can get started on my exhaust and paint work...
A month ago I checked out a Phazer FX and lifted the front end up in the showroom. It felt heavier than I expected. I was a bit disappointed but then noticed all the steel the sled was equipped with. A guy could shave weight through the aftermarket or wait until the factory does it.

The sled was nice, I really liked the way it felt when sitting on it. Reminded me of a quad.
I haven't quite decided on mine yet

rockrider said:
A month a go I checked out a Phazer FX and lifted the front end up in the showroom. It felt heavier than I expected. I was a bit disapointed but then noticed all the steel the sled was equipped with. A guy could shave weight throught the aftermarket or wait until the factory does it.

THe sled was nice, I really like the weight it felt when sitting on it. Reminded me of a quad.
For this reason I haven't decided on my wifes mnt. lite yet, over 7 lbs per h.p. , not so good....time will tell. The technology is awesome for sure though! Just needs another 100 horse power.
Got some exciting news today, gonna have some VERY VERY cool stuff on the Phazer by the end of the month. But I've gotta keep it on the hush hush until it's finished.

Take my word, it's gonna be awesome!

Stay tuned my friends, I'll keep you updated...
Well, you may know what it is and you may not. I'll give a hint to part of the mods that are being done to it right now though... :nos
