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what has a better ride,Apex er or Apex RTX

I personally think the Monoshock rear skid (Apex er) is the most comfortable stock snowmobile suspension out there. In the small to medium bumps it is the best, you barely even feel them, even in the big bumps it does alright. It is the real big bumps, jumps and g outs when it will blow through the rear suspension. Don't have any experience with the Apex RTX
I know not the exact answer ur looking for..In this order of ride quality..

3. rtx 2. apex 1. attak
06apexrtx said:
so your saying the attack is the best riding and the rtx is the worst.
Different people will evaluate those sleds from their perspective. The RTX is geared towards rough trail and jumping, and it therefore has a stiffer suspension setting. If you are a groomed trail rider, then the RTX is the wrong sled for your application. The Attak is geared towards groomed trail and its longer suspension helps to bridge the bumps making the ride more soft.
I think this was his question:

what has a better ride.

3. rtx 2. apex 1. attak

and his question is answered and there is no debate on the order..

this is based on a stock to stock comparison..

now which is the better ditch banger and will hold up to ditch banging ...the rtx gets the nod.
I rode a RX1-1 '05 ER 121" the 1st MONO edition and traded it for a APEX LTX '08 136" and love it...I ride GROOMED trails only and do not DITCH BANG, a freind of mine had a RX1 same as mine and traded it for a RTX and is NOT satisfied with the ride quality for the type of riding we do, its defenitly NOT a high milage groomed trail suspension, but everyones likings are different and I respect that.
