Yamaha in Snowcross

Was that Malinoski or Nakazawa?

Whoever it was, he started fourth and slipped back to fifth at the finish. He did look competitive though, I was happy to see that.

Off to look at the results on www.wpsa.com ...
QCRider said:
Everytime I watch snocross I find myself less and less interested. It is nothing like real world riding and it's so slow. Take out the stupid fake moguls and race something.

I'm going to have to strongly disagree with you on that...slow? far from it. Duluth National was quite a bit smaller track than I'm used to seeing but snocross is anything but slow. I like every form of racing (Hillcross probably being my favorite) and I understand it's just your personal preference but those fake moguls produce guys jumping three or four wide 20 feet in the air...that sounds pretty interesting to me. I don't think anyone realizes how demanding snocross really is. My friend who is phenomenal shape and a damn good rider did it for two years and got his #*$&@ handed to him on a regular basis. Everyone thinks because they can jump through the ditches that snocross is no problem when in actuality very few have what it takes. When my buddy was racing snocross I spent the majority of the season with him in the pits. His first race was Semi-Pro Stock class at the Duluth National. I walked the track with him. We got to the top of the hill and you couldn't see the bottom of the big drop(Much bigger than it was this year) until you got to the edge. I told him good luck...there's no way in hell I would come out of that turn put the hammer down and jump that thing. I guess I find that quite interesting and extremely exciting. So yes your point that snocross isn't real world riding is probably accurate but please tell me what form of snowmobiling racing is? That's why it's called racing and not riding.
2BLUE4U said:
I'm going to have to strongly disagree with you on that...slow? far from it. Duluth National was quite a bit smaller track than I'm used to seeing but snocross is anything but slow. I like every form of racing (Hillcross probably being my favorite) and I understand it's just your personal preference but those fake moguls produce guys jumping three or four wide 20 feet in the air...that sounds pretty interesting to me. I don't think anyone realizes how demanding snocross really is. My friend who is phenomenal shape and a damn good rider did it for two years and got his #*$&@ handed to him on a regular basis. Everyone thinks because they can jump through the ditches that snocross is no problem when in actuality very few have what it takes. When my buddy was racing snocross I spent the majority of the season with him in the pits. His first race was Semi-Pro Stock class at the Duluth National. I walked the track with him. We got to the top of the hill and you couldn't see the bottom of the big drop(Much bigger than it was this year) until you got to the edge. I told him good luck...there's no way in hell I would come out of that turn put the hammer down and jump that thing. I guess I find that quite interesting and extremely exciting. So yes your point that snocross isn't real world riding is probably accurate but please tell me what form of snowmobiling racing is? That's why it's called racing and not riding.

I never said it was easy, just boring and slow. What do you suppose is top speed at any point on the track? 50 MPH maybe? I could care less about jumping. It's completely artificial. Hillcross is better, cross country is best. Even Oval racing is more exciting than sno cross, at least they are moving faster. The only reason it exists is because you can fit it in a stadium, so it's easy to watch. It may be the most difficult form of racing sleds, but it isn't exciting to watch for me. I would prefer to see guys racing on the kind of terrain I ride on, that makes it an easy point of reference for me how fast they are going, and how hard it is to do what they are doing. For example, I would love to see them race the section of trail in my Avatar. It may look flat, but it's not, it's 500 foot high steep hills that you absolutely fly over at any speed over 80 MPH. You literally are in the air for 100 - 200 feet at a time. It's about a 25 mile run, and it would be MUCH more exciting to see guys doing that than it is watching them jump 25 feet in the air at 30 MPH.

Like you said, it's just my opinion.
Thanks for posting the video. Pretty interesting to watch the Yamaha sled in action and holding its own against the others. Too bad they didn't finish higher, but it was the first race of the season. It can only get better.
QCRider, I'm with you an this one. I have been to several snowcross races and after two heats, they all start looking the same. The race tracks are too small IMO and it wold make it more exciting if they would put in several sections where the throttle was pinned for more than a few seconds at a time. Ideally it would be something between snowcross and cross country racing.
RJH said:
That’s all this sport needs is a bunch of idiots flying down a public trail at near 100 mph and jumping blind 150 feet with the possibility of landing on approaching innocent trail riders. Sounds like a lot of fun, flying down an open straight trail, but dangerous and really not challenging. #$%&*

I'm thinking that they might actually close the trail for the race :ORC

But then again having to dodge leisure riders would definitely raise the bar a bit!! :tg:

It's just an opinion guys, nothing more.
i raced at duluth and its a very short track and hard to make ground especially in heat races that are short laps.i think the yamaha did good considering the 1st race with new sled and tight track.wait till they get some more races in and longer track to open it up.its nice to see blue flying again.
QCRider said:

It may look flat, but it's not, it's 500 foot high steep hills that you absolutely fly over at any speed over 80 MPH. You literally are in the air for 100 - 200 feet at a time.
Like you said, it's just my opinion.

ya - close it to at least on-coming! ;)!

looks like someone is already practicing - hope your insurance is paid up
I remember quite a few years ago at Cantebury the back stretch was actually just a flat drag strip no jumps just flat out speed and the rest of the course was jumps and turns...that was fun to watch.

I think the X-Games will be the best track for Yamaha this year. I think they will do better at a bigger track like that.
T-Bone said:
QCRider, I'm with you an this one. I have been to several snowcross races and after two heats, they all start looking the same. The race tracks are too small IMO and it wold make it more exciting if they would put in several sections where the throttle was pinned for more than a few seconds at a time. Ideally it would be something between snowcross and cross country racing.

Yeah I'm more of a fan of Corey Davidson's race program on the cross country stuff. The eagle river world championship and the i500 are more fun to watch for me anyway.
