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Yamaha slides?


TY 4 Stroke God
Mar 23, 2005
ONT. Canada
2008 40th Anniversary Vector.
1995 XLT SP (Son's)
I called the dealer today inquiring about the new Yamaha slides and was informed that none will be available until December, and even then, they have no idea how many sets they will get and be able to stock?

With that being said, I have my skid out and think I may as well change the slides while I do?(not waiting until December)
The slides only have 1500 km's on them (937 miles) so I am debating if I should just put the skid back in and not worry about new ones or should I go get new ones?

My slides are Yamaha White ones, (suppose to last longer than colored ones so I read??) so my question is is there any difference between them and an aftermarket set?
My dealer is a bit of a drive away and they are pricey compared to the aftermarket ones but if they are better then I don't mind paying the extra and doing the drive.
Thoughts? :dunno:

I have had good luck with the yamaha graphite slides, seem to last longer and not much more money thsn the regular slides.I want to try these new sliders as well.
I called also today, here in michigan they said november 29 that is when they will be available for order. I will spend the 130 or so to try them and see if they work. They are Suppose to last 8000 miles rumor has it, this is what some other members were saying.
How many millimetres left on your slides? If still within reason, they are probably well tempered by now. Might as well wait then until Yammi's new slides come out. Other than that, I'm sure Kimpex slides would be a good choice as well.

mine wore fast to one point and stayed there i put bigger wheels all threw my skid including rear kimpex wheels are .3 of an inch bigger stopped all my slide issues
sherlock29 said:
With less than 1000 mile whay change??? I should post some pics of mine after 3700... still meat left...
That is my dilema, put new ones on while the skid is out or put the old ones back in and take my chance they will last the season?

This will only be my second winter with the sled so I am still learning.
I have read countless times about the slides only wearing to a certain point then staying there but I have also read countless times about some wearing completely through in no time either? :dunno:

I was really hoping to get the new ones then I would be done and not have to worry about pulling the skid out for the next 2-3 yrs but it looks like it will have to come out again next year, provided I can get the new ones by then?

I think I am going to purcahse the Royal Dis. graphite slides, they are slightly cheaper than the Yamaha ones and they are closer as well.

Thanks for all your help guys ;)!
Tried Yammi graphite slides, wore away very quickly. Yammi regular slides would last me at least two thousand miles and more, got 500 miles out of the graphites, very disappointing. Also, you don't need to pull the skid to change your slides. Yes it is a convenient time to do so, however, can be easily done while still attached to your sled, five to ten minutes a side.
thrasher said:
Tried Yammi graphite slides, wore away very quickly. Yammi regular slides would last me at least two thousand miles and more, got 500 miles out of the graphites, very disappointing. Also, you don't need to pull the skid to change your slides. Yes it is a convenient time to do so, however, can be easily done while still attached to your sled, five to ten minutes a side.
He is talking about the new dupont vespar slides that have not been released yet.
thrasher said:
Tried Yammi graphite slides, wore away very quickly. Yammi regular slides would last me at least two thousand miles and more, got 500 miles out of the graphites, very disappointing. Also, you don't need to pull the skid to change your slides. Yes it is a convenient time to do so, however, can be easily done while still attached to your sled, five to ten minutes a side.

I ended up buying the Royal Dis. graphite slides, figured I'd give them I try and see how they fair?

I know the slides can be changed through the window, I just prefer to pull the skid to do them and check a bunch of other stuff while I'm in there.

I also had a hard time with those sh@#$y screws that hold them on, should really do Rocker Dan's mod and be done with it.
I install new screws every time I change the slides just to avoid the stripping issue. Seriously. I just brought them into Fastenal and purchased like twenty replacement screws. I've heard to not keep using the same screw. Wss cheap and easy way to settle that issue.
