Srxspec's latest activity

  • Srxspec
    Srxspec replied to the thread TAPP ramp wear?.
    Do you do alot of high speed runs at a sustained speed? Almost looks like the rollers are wearing through the hardness of the ramp due...
  • Srxspec
    Bigger injectors are good up to approximately 300 horsepower with the stock fuel pump, so there's really no reason to upgrade.
  • Srxspec
    Pressure output is the same, it would work just fine for a turbo Viper. What it does is allow more fuel flow to the injectors, you...
  • Srxspec
    I think you'll find that the STM old style CAT helix angles are very similar to the OEM CAT helix angles. It is only the STM YAMAHA...
  • Srxspec
    You really need to go out and ride it and document what RPM it is running or we're just grasping at straws. Currently we don't know if...
  • Srxspec
    If your secondary spring is all red, then that's correct. If it is black with a red dot, that is not correct.
  • Srxspec
    You'd have to change the whole front bumper area, currently on a Viper there's a coolant line that runs through that area & I think even...
  • Srxspec
    Yes, the primary spring is shorter than stock. The spring I spoke about above is the secondary spring. Rpm should flash to 8900+ and...
  • Srxspec
    So clutch settings vary on sled to sled, snow settings, etc. If your operating RPM is around 9000-9100 then the clutch is set right. I...
  • Srxspec
    Don't let the STM video fool you. That video is for a different style of STM weight (different profile). Your weights are set...
  • Srxspec
    Srxspec replied to the thread Last Yamaha Sidewinder auction.
    $105k and the current high bidder is a customer in Canada, that’s $150k CAD!!
  • Srxspec
    Muffler & intercooler, both hard to find now a days.
  • Srxspec
    Srxspec replied to the thread OP-LO on startup.
    It's not a code, it's simply telling you that the oil pressure is low until the engine runs long enough. It's like an idiot light...
  • Srxspec
    Srxspec replied to the thread OP-LO on startup.
    It's perfectly normal, only happens because you have no oil pressure for a split second after starting it up until the oil pump primes...
  • Srxspec
    Srxspec replied to the thread Bad gas.
    I'm going to tell you a story from probably 15ish years ago.... I was working late trying to finish a turbo FX Nytro installation, my...
