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  1. Benwaballs


    its magic! :dunno:
  2. Benwaballs

    Jumping Ship

    how much you wanna bet all these cry baby divas will all still be around next season riding Yamaha still. Boo hoo... lets see it fixes every know problem with the nytro yea good reason to be pissed
  3. Benwaballs


    Is there even a true power number? Where did 135 come from?
  4. Benwaballs


    no Turbo wtf!!!
  5. Benwaballs


    lol told you my photo was real!!! I expect an apology from everyone that said it was a Photoshop job :tg:
  6. Benwaballs


    I agree 100% so sick of all these cry babies! they have zero info on the new product I for one cant wait for a snowcross/nytro
  7. Benwaballs

    I'm Done. Thanks for nothing Yamaha.

    God so many cry babies! the snow cross chassis is way better than the nytro and now we get a better chassis with a turbo and your going to cry before you even know anything about it? grow up
  8. Benwaballs


    Lol I love that everyone kept telling me my photo was fake. The yamacat is real
  9. Benwaballs


    He is just trolling
  10. Benwaballs


    Is there a hairdryer attached to that motor?
  11. Benwaballs


    I agree ;)!
  12. Benwaballs


    its funny that the two photos came from two different sources. I would be willing to bet that it is or is very close to the final product!
  13. Benwaballs


    lol I got shot down he said no more photos I would have to wait when I asked if it was real he just laughed... so looks like I am waiting with the rest of you guys :dunno:
  14. Benwaballs


    I am trying to get a few more photos from different angles but I won't be able to post them I have been asked/warned not to post anymore but I will let you know if they are real
  15. Benwaballs

    First real photo side shot white tunnel!

    I asked my buddy if the photo was real and he just laughed and said guess you have to wait and see so I have no clue i am at 95% that they are real but who knows
  16. Benwaballs

    First real photo side shot white tunnel!

    New link removed
  17. Benwaballs

    First real photo side shot white tunnel!

    Hope the link works if not follow it to my photobucket page I am trying to post it from my iPhone on the road so I had to enter the link Manually
