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Search results

  1. G

    Thinking of a new Apex to replace my 06

    I had a 2007 Apex RTX. I just bought a 2011 apex 128 and only had a chance to put 200 km's before this warm weather hit. I did get a chance to ride some smooth trails as well as about 20 miles of studder bumps ( no G- bumps thou) In the studder bumps there is no comparison between the 2007 apex...
  2. G

    Advised needed

    Thanks everyone for all your advice will have the dealer loosen the track a little and maybe put the larger wheels on next. will try and see. Thanks again
  3. G

    Advised needed

    Finally done it 2011 Apex after kicking aroung the idea for a while now I went out and bought a 2011 Apex left-over. I love this sled and everything about it. Went for the new ski's and two sets of 6" carbides, it handles like they should. I do have a concern thou my friend also bought...
  4. G

    Any Difference be 2011 apex and the 2011 apex xtx

    Can anyone tell me the differences between the 2011 apex and the 2011apex xtx in the trails. (handling and comfort)
  5. G

    Apex rtx jumping out of reverse

    Thanks everyone for all the info :-o
  6. G

    Is there that much difference in ride between a 121" an

    Has anyone found the 136 tending to push in the corners?
  7. G

    Is there that much difference in ride between a 121" an

    I know besides 7 ' is there that much differece. I have been looking at the xtx but have recently been offered a 2011 apex with a 128' track at a steal. should I wait for a good buy on a xtx (longer track) or pick up the 128" I run mostly groomed trails and am running on a 2007 with a short...
  8. G

    Apex rtx jumping out of reverse

    When I put the sled into reverse, it backed up okay till it hit a patch of ice at the bottom of the ramp of the trailer, then it spun the track and jumped out of gear. when I put the sled into forward gear and it worked fine, put it in reverse again and slowly backed out fine, but when I spun...
  9. G

    Step by step - How to change a track on a proaction skid

    Thanks Irv Knew it had to be there somewhere. I must have missed it when I was searching for it.
  10. G

    What are sure signs your track needs to be replaced

    Thanks everyone Many thanks to everyone who chimed in with your replies. I have pull the plug and sprung for a new track, decided season is very short and I didn't want to miss any of it repairing damage the track may or may not do if it came apart . Thanks for all the imput. :4STroke:
  11. G

    Step by step - How to change a track on a proaction skid

    Can someone give me a easy way step by step on how to change my track I will be changing my drive axle bearing when I got the track off. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanx :exc:
  12. G

    What are sure signs your track needs to be replaced

    Here are a couple pics of the track Here are a couple Pictures What do you think.
  13. G

    What are sure signs your track needs to be replaced

    Can some of you people tell me sure signs if my track needs to replaced or not. I lost two studs out of it now (pulled outs),. The outer layer of the rubber looks like it's peeled off the track and you can see the threads just a hairline(maybe 1/8 inch wide) at the seam of one of the stud pull...
  14. G

    Gas line anti-freeze

    In these four stroke engines is there a type of gas line anti-freeze we should or shouldn't be using?
  15. G

    12 ft Mission Enclosed Trailers pro & con on it

    You are right sorenson1610 I did mean the qestion to read trailer not sled. I guess we all have that in the back of our minds. :letsnow: Thanks for the catch!
  16. G

    12 ft Mission Enclosed Trailers pro & con on it

    Any one out there that can tell me the negative or positve points on this type of sled? :Rockon:
  17. G

    New to me '08 Apex RTX, need some general setup suggestions

    Throw a set of duece bars on it that will fix any darting issue As far as changing set up according to the conditions, myself I don't find a need to.
  18. G

    New to me '08 Apex RTX, need some general setup suggestions

    Limiter Strap Ok the limiter strap has 5 postions to set it. 5 makes the strap as short as it can go and 1 make the stap as long as it goes ( for wheelies). From the factory it's set on 3, I simply found I had ski lift in the corners especially so I tightened it to position 4 settled right...
  19. G

    New to me '08 Apex RTX, need some general setup suggestions

    Here is what worked for me Thanks to a lot of help from good people in this website, I found what works for me and I'll try to Play It Forward I am about 225 whith my gear on. I had the shocks rebuilt by Pioneer after the first season. I found Bruce there to be very helpful and almost dead on...
  20. G

    any easy test for donut leakage

    Question Am I right in assuming if I have a leak at all in the exhaust or at the donuts and I hold the rag over the exhaust tips and it stalls out that's okay and then I have no leaks?
