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  1. V

    2015 Viper Shutting Off

    After remeasuring it looks like I had closer to 2.5mm versus what the book calls for which is .75 - 1.5mm so I tightened the cable a bit and we will see what happens the next time out.
  2. V

    2015 Viper Shutting Off

    I will measure this evening and report back. Thanks, Tom
  3. V

    2015 Viper Shutting Off

    Closed flipper there was 3.5mm and loose til you heard the click of the switch was an additional 2mm
  4. V

    2015 Viper Shutting Off

    Looking to see if anyone out there has had a similar problem. Wife was driving her new Viper this weekend after putting over 350 miles with no issues and it shut down about 5 times in corners where she was almost completely off the gas. No error codes and it starts right back up. I drove for...
