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Search results

  1. blown apex

    2016 apex xtx 1.75 fox float 3

    thanks thats what i wanted to here i knew my older xtx was very good with the star kit i dont want a flat so do i buy a elka spring shock or hygear fox spring shock that has some blocks that mess with transfer i guess
  2. blown apex

    2016 apex xtx 1.75 fox float 3

    so i bought a 2016 apex xtx with the stiff float 3 and 146 1.75 lug track im used to a 2011/2012/2014 xtx with star upgrade and love it yes i have a lot of apexs (8 now) what should i get 1-updated 8lb-47480-00-00 2018 air fox shock 2-elka spring shock 3- hygears fox spring shock im going to...
  3. blown apex

    F/S Aftermarket Goodies : Apex, Vector Nytro, Phazer, RX-1, SR Viper... Updated 9/10/20

    do you have any 11-14 apex xtx front skid shocks
  4. blown apex

    Advice Needed: Apex in the shop

    10 min if its apart weld nut over stud and let it cool then back it out automotive shops do this on manifolds all the time no drills needed broke loosening i would charge broke tightening no charge
  5. blown apex

    Relay Rod Gave Way. Is This Common?

    i had a warrior that those broke on once if its the same type of rods
  6. blown apex

    How low of CR could you go in a Apex? Help with Twin charged design

    stock rocks keep a stock sled sorry had to say it winter is too short i have 7 apexes all years 1 supercharged at 12psi im also not a sidewinder fan yet (power steering apexs are great for long days) you had to borrow a 600(other post i read) now compression/boost altitude this works if you...
  7. blown apex

    Best Apex ride with Star

    i have a 2011-2012-2014 xtx apex with star and his valving they are perfect except for the transfer is to much uncoupled when turning with throttle so i just let off or feather in corners whoops and big bumps just hold wot but they are perfect now i couldnt ride them stock ps i installed...
  8. blown apex

    Cool Go-Pro Vid from my back bumper asphalt racing

    looks fun and a lot cheaper than what i do terry have fun duane
  9. blown apex

    Looking at purchasing a Sidewinder, need opinions and advice!

    what about just using a vacuum sucker to suck the oil out you may not get it all but just change it more often is that a option i dont own one so i want to know before i purchase one
  10. blown apex

    tors as launch control on apex

    has any one tried to wire into the tors for a cheap 2 step launch control or will the rpm be to low as it wont be adjustable
  11. blown apex

    ISO MPI supercharger pulleys

    its been a while but i think granger had them pullies
  12. blown apex


    a leak down is a tester that you use to put air into cylinder and measures% of ring leak should be about 2% 4% and higher something is wrong with piston /rings/cylinder/rings/head gasket maybe its not this but you wont waist time on other stuff if it is if your boosted i would really do this 1st
  13. blown apex

    2009 apex ltx 136 vibration 60 mph up

    i have a 2009 apex ltx 136 and it vibrates 60 and above this has been going on for 2 years i can feel it in my feet and handle bars changed belt 3 times since this vibration i took it to ---------- yamaha and they tried a bunch of stuff and suggested a few things so i changed drivers/track to a...
  14. blown apex


    thanks i have 7 apexs and this is not normal ill try another secondary tomarrow
  15. blown apex


    what did you find causing the vibration i have a 2009 apex ltx 136 and it vibrates 60 and above i can feel it in my feet since this vibration i took it to pats yamaha and they tried a bunch of stuff and suggested a few things so i changed drivers/track to a ice attak /secondary jackshaft...
  16. blown apex

    ice attak coming apart 144 x 1 1/4???

    well track now has a few more miles and i inspected it again its way worst now cracking between outer drive lugs there is no drivers on outside on a 2014 apex xtx and nothing to rub on at this location this is definatly a bad track greenland mi so plenty of snow i bring it in every night to...
  17. blown apex

    ice attak coming apart 144 x 1 1/4???

    i dont know how to post pics (im tech challenged ) if i text you a pic of this bad track can you post it on here thanks
  18. blown apex

    1200 nytro torsion springs what yr/model

    i need the soft stock xtx ones 8hl-47474-00-00 right 8hl-47473-00-00 left
  19. blown apex

    Warning ride light from Rock

    ill take them do you take papal or cc
