Change your caster with these
Shim your ski rubber on the backside.
And modify the upper ball joints to get a proper negative camber.
After that it will ride like a charm.
Om vi tar det på svenska, jag vet inte men jag gissar att man bör kunna använda de överblivna Nytro xtx-dämparna som ligger hos handlarna runt om i Sverige (som bytte mot Öhlinare). Om man jämför slaglängd och infästningar så ser det ut att passa. Jag har dock inte undersökt saken närmare. Vad...
You might have two units, later models have two. Check your handbook. There's one on the front of the engine. Near the filter. But I do think that you just have to help the oil pump with oil the first seconds after starting it. I usually just blow at bit of air into a plugged oil can. Think that...
Forum (building) thread in Swedish: I don't remember how explicit I was when installing bi-xenon. But it's a pretty straight forward job. I just slammed the ballasts on top of the battery and strapped them down with the battery strap. Easy...
The heat problem is the opposite, xenon lights do not melt the snow/ice. I have dual 55 w on my Phazer and have problem with snow building up on the lens.
There's a few cheap mods that you can do to make it handle a lot better.
1. Cut of some material from the upper ball joints so you can set negative camber.
2. Change the "spiders" to Nytro 2009 or newer.
3. Shim the ski rubber in the back to get more pressure on the back of the skis.
4. Change...
Never had problems changing the oil filter. Just finger tight it. It won't leak and you can loosen it the next year easily. I've bought and use filters with a bolt head.
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