Code 46 -2007 Phazer fx turbo


Nov 11, 2014
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
2007 Phazer Mountain Lite Mcx Turbo
I have an 07 Phazer fx that wont start. The starter cranks over good, but it does not want to fire. Checked the starter bolts and they are tight. I put a screwdriver across the starter relay contacts just to see if that was the problem, and it still didn't start. When the key is turned I can hear the fuel system prime. There is spark on the plugs, and they are new. I also checked the ground connector (where all the grounds meet), no signs of overheating or corrosion. The old battery seemed like it didn't hold the charge very well so I swapped it out for a fully charged battery. After swapping out the battery, the machine fired but couldn't idle. Started again and would only idle if I gave it some throttle, then code 46 popped up. Could the problem be my fuel pump relay? or a faulty stator?

Any suggestions or help would be great!
Probably corrosion. Go over the harness and connectors with anticorrosion/electrical spray.

Guess you seen the explanation for 46 in the handbook?
Yeah I saw 46 was voltage is too high or low in the system. What connections should I focus on for corrosion relating to this problem? Di electric grease also work? Thanks.
Are you absolutely sure the battery you used is good?
Got the sled running.Was the last thing I would have guessed. Just for the hell of it I thought I would throw the old spark plugs in, machine fired right up after that. I guess the brand new plugs were no good? I did end up greasing all the connections aswell, any idea how code 46 would show up with a set of bad plugs?
Was it running rough? Maybe the engine was not turning fast enough, but I would think the battery would have provided enough voltage? My guess if that there was a bad connection somewhere and by adding the grease you fixed the connection.
It was running good, just had to increase the idle a little after riding around. Yeah the battery was completely charged too. Yeah just must have been a bad connection I would have to agree. All good now! Thanks for all the help ;)!
