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  1. DooZ


    So where was your buddy on the '24 RR spanking the boost? I thought conditions are crap everywhere...
  2. DooZ

    Early dyno reports (850R)

    Ya I saw their post, just curious if you knew who's it was. Nbd
  3. DooZ

    Early dyno reports (850R)

    Josh, do you know who's that is? Hogan's were building one too.
  4. DooZ

    Knockout kit

    She was hot :cool:
  5. DooZ

    EPS Conversion?

    So what's the all in $$$ for oem parts? Can a dealer do this in 5 hrs if they've done it before?
  6. DooZ

    EPS Conversion?

    Same chassis
  7. DooZ

    Christmas message

    You better video and post it! :Rockon:
  8. DooZ

    Traction set-up questions

    It works for you because you know how to use them properly. Johnny trail racer who grabs a handful at every stop sign, corner, etc., will certainly break/bend, rip out everyone of your
  9. DooZ

    Early dyno reports (850R)

    Dyno #'s are great, we'll see how that translates to the snow. From what I'm hearing the Doo is somewhat traction limited, as in limited length of stud.
  10. DooZ

    Knockout kit

    And Squeally Dan :hide::-o
  11. DooZ

    Quiet Collar

    Has it been blessed :dunno::cool:
  12. DooZ

    Midwest snow report

    Currently everything is white, and all of my dog crap is covered. It may not be for too much longer though :mad:
  13. DooZ

    Midwest snow report

    Last year as of 12/11/22 S side of Minocqua/Bearskin Tr
  14. DooZ

    Midwest snow report

    Come on Jon, don't be so 2" in my's starting to pile up
  15. DooZ

    P1 suspension chisels

    Try these or any push thru chisel. If your hell bent on real traction, try these bad boys
  16. DooZ


    I agree, better to err on the side of caution especially in the northwoods.
  17. DooZ

    Oil tank leak

    I rode mine for a year with the leak bc I had just changed the oil and didn't want to deal with it. It was fine, didn't get any worse or Just keep an eye on your levels. Added the BOP gasket the following year, good to go since. Knock on
  18. DooZ

    Ultimax vs G FORCE BELT

    That's what I have but the belt doesn't fit straight lengthwise. I'm really not that concerned, it's just funny I learned something new today about the belt I've been using and storing for
  19. DooZ

    Ultimax vs G FORCE BELT

    Maybe it's Monday thing, but I'm trying to wrap my head around how you guys carry a spare without bending it? Unless you have a big azz tunnel bag.
  20. DooZ

    Ultimax vs G FORCE BELT

    Never heard you couldn't bend a belt to fit into a tunnel bag. What's the reasoning behind that?
