My new 827 came in that width, so I think you're good if you wanted to go longer. Personally I would replace with those kind of miles, but I always run big tunes.
Really matters what you want to do with the sled. If your goal is to do more racing than riding, then you want longer studs. There are plenty of guys running 1.8's in a 1.25 track, but you aren't going to put a bunch of miles on that set-up without significant maintenance. Also, studding the...
Been using CB for years, as you found out great service. What makes it nice for us cheeseheads is he's located in N Sh!thole IL which makes shipping that much
With the conditions you're testing on, the speeds you're running seem to be good. Rpms are good, try to get some of the heat out of the secondary, but I wouldn't change much. If you stick around this weekend you're going to get some really good air (cold/dry & she'll wake up a little more).
Conditions have a sh!t ton to do with speeds. Are you at Bent's? I'm sure the lake has a bunch of snow on it from last week and it's been fairly warm. I'm assuming some of these big speeds being posted are from ice or packed roads(i.e. optimum conditions). If you're running on a snow covered...
There is a direct correlation between the width of a new one to a used one. I was just trying to get an unscientific average width of a new one and compare to my used ones. I can tell you that in my situation a 1.44" wide belt outperforms a 1.38" belt. Lengths of belts is another topic I better...
Yes, then you'll have enough to do 6 of your buddies sleds Or if you drive by a Napa, Autozone, etc, stop in and have them cut you a 4' section.
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