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  1. Y

    Brake locked up on trail

    Thanks for the suggestions. The sled is back home and thawing out before I take a closer look at it. In the end I was able to borrow an aluminum skimmer that fit under the track and the sled was towed out backwards. It worked well enough but with so many willows on this really overgrown trail...
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    Brake locked up on trail

    yeah that's right. Track won't budge at all. Flipped it over and gave it a good look over. It truly is a mystery to me at this point. Why would the brake have locked up when the real problem is elsewhere?
  3. Y

    Brake locked up on trail

    The crazy carpet idea crossed my mind as well. If I can fit it in a skimmer turned the wrong way then that would probably be the least hassle. But I might bring a couple crazy carpets just in case. It is a pretty twisty trail with lots of overgrown willow that might rip the carpet out from...
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    Brake locked up on trail

    Update: Bad news for me! I went back out there and cracked the bleeder valve and gave a little squeeze on the brake which relieved the pressure. I can't really get the caliper off to push the brake piston all the way back in but the brake is no longer my problem. Sled still will not move...
  5. Y

    Brake locked up on trail

    Thanks for the reply Definitely not the parking brake...but I don't doubt that people do that all the time. I did try turning the rotor by hand and it wasn't budging. Everything looks okay other than the brake lever being tight like there is somehow pressure in the brake line. Luckily it...
  6. Y

    Repair Manual

    Has anyone purchased a repair manual for the Multi-Purpose? If so where did you buy it and has it been useful?
  7. Y

    Brake locked up on trail

    Yesterday I was cruising along a straight flat section of trail doing approx 20km when my brake randomly engaged and brought me to a halt. After moving my sled around to make sure the track wasn't stuck, checking the drive belt, looking for damage etc.... The only think I see is that the brake...
  8. Y

    new menber with Venture ??

    I recently purchased a 2007 Multi-Purpose second hand (but very well cared for) and am happy with it. I'm in the Yukon so we definitely have some cold weather and I haven't had any problems starting it but I plug it in a couple hours before starting it. I do find that the center of gravity is...
