I have just installed 4th wheel kit from Yamaha on my 2015 LTX SE and when I think i've got it back to normal I'm seeing that the right side is way to far over, clips rubbing on slider. So...I've checked track tension and it seems good but when trying to adjust the side that manual says to...
Getting sled back tomorrow. Will see what happens. I'm ruling out residule oil as both my buddies 2016's leaked after these were run for a short period of time. Mine was evident after a year as it is a 2015 and I found the leak when trying to install visor cable. Hopefully this was a simple...
Hi Guys, does anyone have any info regarding an upgraded or recalled gasket for 2015 newer or older SR Viper. Recently purchased 2015 SR LTX-SE and have noticed the black drip pan to be wet and my sight glass to show maybe an 1/8" up so basically low on chaincase fluid. Two friends have 2016...
Have same issue on 2015 ltx se. Found it when trying to install visor plug into factory harness. Goes in tomorrow!!! Wiped the mess in drip pan and it is still dry but gonna get peace of mind and have it looked at right away. My sight glass isn't showing more than an 8th of the window when it...
Hi, I've been told that the Rip saw 2 track that comes on this sled calls for 96 studs?? Anyone have any issues with only putting on the 96 or should I do more? Any advice is greatly appreciated!! Thanks.
Hey, does anyone know a good spot spot mount a spare belt on my new sled? Have tunnel bag but don't really want to put it in there. Any ideas would be great! Thanks.
Thanks guys, I did find the casting nub by the primary and took care of that. hadn't rubbed thru. gonna tear the front apart and check that other spot. thanks again.
Hey guys, was just out for a run with my 09 Nytro and my sled completely shut down. I pulled the front end off and it appears it was my ign fuse? Thankful for thespare but any ideas what may have caused this to happen? Weak fuse maybe or some other underlying issue? Had to replace starter relay...
So...I'm having a similar issue to NFLD Nytro's . My battery has been tested at dealer, put it in and it started just fine. Next morning and again today my sled was "sluggish" turning over??? Once it fires it runs like a dream. Should I try the starter relay?? I'm going to try it in the...
Thank you sooo much! I was leaning towards something simple. My Yamaha guy says he will replace battery under warranty in-case it has a weak cell, I do have new relay in the pouch but seeing as I haven't had any issues as of yet I was just leaving it as a spare. I will definitely check those...
Hey, I replaced the battery on my 2009 Nytro FX in late March. Kept a battery tender on for a few times during the summer. Did some work during the off season and now all is put back together I've tried staring sled and have noticed it seems to "hesitate" to turn over but once it does start it...
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