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Search results

  1. robbaum

    Best Skid plate for a nytro

    Cutting float plate... that is a great idea... it would not give you any engine protection (I heard the oil filter is suspect) but it would provide the extra ski like lift in powder... I will look at that over the weekend. I also heard guys are using U bolts to secure. Might be another thing...
  2. robbaum

    Is the float plate worth it?

    Beware of Skinz product I purchased a SKINZ for my Nytro MTX. Wow.. what a mistake! I was really excited to try it out. It worked well the first day. The instructions that came with the plate had me cut a whole in the bottom to allow the plate to release water. I did so before putting on. We...
  3. robbaum

    Best Skid plate for a nytro

    Beware of Skinz product I purchased a SKINZ for my Nytro MTX. Wow.. what a mistake! I was really excited to try it out. It worked well the first day. The instructions that came with the plate had me cut a whole in the bottom to allow the plate to release water. I did so before putting on. We...
  4. robbaum

    B-b-b-bad Mods for your Nytro!

    All right. I know some of you nuts have already done a million things to your new FX Nytro MTX. I went a mod nuts route with my 2003 Warrior. I am thinking of keeping the Nytro MTX pretty stock (sans stock battery for lightweight battery). However... I am interested in hearing what people are...
  5. robbaum

    Lightweight battery Replacement for Nytro MTX

    Anyone looked into replacing their stock MTX battery with a lighter weight battery? I would be interested in finding out where you got your battery and how it is working. I have a 2008 Nytro MTX... and yes... I love it!
