I recently completed my start of season oil change on my 05’ grizzly 660. The only thing I did differently than normal was to use a K&N oil filter instead of the genuine Yamaha one. After taking the bike for a short ride afterwards, I noticed a steady stream of oil leaking out of a small...
Hi, I'm trying to figure out why the the tunnel radiator no:24 ain't getting warm after changing coolant?
I will refer to the numbers in the the attached picture.
When starting the engine in the burping process, I could feel air rad no:6 getting gradually warm from the top to the bottom.
Trying to remove the water pump on my Phazer. I have removed everything except the third Allan bolt that is down next to the frame. Can not figure out how to get at it to remove it. It is lined up exactly with the frame tube leaving only a small space to try to fit something in to remove it...
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