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2013 Yamaha FX Nytro new to yamaha's!

Koke1 said:
I am looking into a picking up a new 2013 FX nytro. I really want to try a four stroke for the 2014 season. I currently ride a 800 etec and most of the people i ride with ride 800 twins of some sort. I am wondering what i can do to a nytro to run with these sleds performance wise. I know a boosted nytro would smoke them but are there other things i can do short of boosting it that would make it competetive. I looked into the superchargers and im no longer interested because of the horrible mileage you get. I would like to turbo but ive yet to find a good option for a short tracker. So what else is there? Please be realistic! Thank you
I too came off of a Skidoo 800 Renegade, blew it up again and bought a 2013 Nytro XTX. You wanna talk about being competitive? This thing bone stock out of the box woops #*$&@ on pretty much anything that lines up with it. Buddy has a 2011 800 etec that I destroy. It does 95 mph on the dream dial. It has arm stretching torc. Its a little heavy off trail but capable. It has a 1.75 By 144 track with tipped up rails too. I had to talk myself into it to but I don't regret the purchase at all, wish I did it sooner!

Twistgrip said:
Koke1 said:
I am looking into a picking up a new 2013 FX nytro. I really want to try a four stroke for the 2014 season. I currently ride a 800 etec and most of the people i ride with ride 800 twins of some sort. I am wondering what i can do to a nytro to run with these sleds performance wise. I know a boosted nytro would smoke them but are there other things i can do short of boosting it that would make it competetive. I looked into the superchargers and im no longer interested because of the horrible mileage you get. I would like to turbo but ive yet to find a good option for a short tracker. So what else is there? Please be realistic! Thank you
I too came off of a Skidoo 800 Renegade, blew it up again and bought a 2013 Nytro XTX. You wanna talk about being competitive? This thing bone stock out of the box woops #*$&@ on pretty much anything that lines up with it. Buddy has a 2011 800 etec that I destroy. It does 95 mph on the dream dial. It has arm stretching torc. Its a little heavy off trail but capable. It has a 1.75 By 144 track with tipped up rails too. I had to talk myself into it to but I don't regret the purchase at all, wish I did it sooner!

Yeah its that 95mph top end that i dont like. My e tec would see over 115 on the dream o meter and gps at 111mph. Its the two stroke reliability issues that have looking elsewhere. I know you can make these things fly!
