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8 inch carbides too much for stock skis and no studs?


Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
Atikokan, Ontario
I found a good deal on a set of 8 inch woody's executive carbides as my stock ones (only 2.5inches!!) are complety wore off to the wear bars after 970 miles. Do you guys think that will be to much for not running any studs? I run the stock Apex skis also. Thanks for any input.

Jord :Rockon:
I wouldn't use more than 4" to max 6" on a un-studed shorty (121") you might encounter some rear end wanting to take over the front end on hard packed or ice conditions, specialy in corners, also on pavement or concrete you might not have enough TRACTION to push them and just sit their and SPIN!!! very frustrating, especialy when your fueling at your favorite gas station and everyone is checking out your SLED and can't move the d@#$ thing...
I have 8in carbides but have C&A skis but I am studded and don't have a problem. I would go for it.
8" isn't much different than 6" unless you are on icy or hardpacked conditions. I wouldn't ever ride without studs. i hate how the machine swaps back and forth without studs....just my opinion.
For my taste,i rather have a sled that over steer than under steer.So i always put maximum carbite on my ski.If you don't like the over steer you can take off some ski pressure with the front limiter strap or adjust your weight transfer.
Be careful, 121" without studs and a lot of bite (carbide) up front could be a dangerous, if those carbides bite on a hard surface it acts as a braking effect and the back end will want to take over, I'm talking from EXPERIENCE!
I have a new FX Nytro 1.5 Intense Track and no studs. As well with gear I am about 230 lbs. After speaking with Scott at Bergstrom Skegs he recommened that I get the 8".

Hope this helps!
