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Any electrical wizards out there?


TY 4 Stroke Guru
Sep 28, 2004
Reaction score
saratoga, ny
Just wondering if anyone had given any thought to an aftermarket temp gage? I did the gage mounting in my RX-1, not sure yet about the APEX, there doesn't seem to be a great spot to put it and it's sort of a pain to tap into the plumbing. It seems to me if one could tap into the Yamaha "computer" it would be possible to add a small digital display to show both coolant and air temp. I'm sure I've oversimplified but it may be possible. Any thought about this?
Just my opinion here, but it is an educated opinion. With the new radiator and fan you dont need a temp guage I am not afraid to tackle any project on a car, motorcycle or sled, but this I personally would not do because overheating just is NOT going to be an issue anymore.

IMHO that money is better spent on a GPS, electronic compass or emergency lighting.
Don't totally disagree, I just found the temp gage to be nice to know that the sled was warmed up, also if it was getting warm in marginal conditions. With the radiator I don't think I will go through the trouble of adding a "mechnical gage". But if it was simple to plug into what's there? I also think that a compass would be nice, I've seen a couple but the ones I've seen look to be a little too portable.
Oh I see, it would have some value for cold start-ups. There have been some nice write-ups for the RX-1. Check the FAQ section and/or in the RX section search 'Temp and guages'
I understand the Apex does not have the nifty little warm up light.
The way I plan to handle this myself is let it run for 2-3 minutes and then use light throttle for the next 2-3 minutes.
No firing her up and immediatly going full throttle across a lake for me :shock:
