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Anybody here ever used a Powder Jack to get unstuck?

As I mentioned, it's broken every time I used it to lift my Apex...

My friend got one at the same time as me, it broke once as well.

I only use it if I have my tekvest and helmet on.

I would definitely not try to lift a viking filled with snow with it, it might snap and kill you.

i was looking at the highjacker myself. in the demo vids, the owner is moving around his rx1 mountain with it with no helmet. just want to know its weight limits is all.
I have lifted the front of my RX with Bill Harmon's Highjacker, we all know that is a ton of weight. The rod flexed but never bent.

Broke the front bumper though so don't try it! :)
Alle the guys I ride with except me have the original.They have used it many times and it works awesome,it's almost better then a sno bunjie it certain location's.
Lets see how that powder jack would work on this !!! Snow was 15 deep and I had to crawl on the surface to keep from going to the bottom. Oh yeah that is an 06 Apex RTX 121" IDIOT :o|

PS. It took 8 guys and about an hour to retrieve it. :Rockon:


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Yamadog said:
Lets see how that powder jack would work on this !!! Snow was 15 deep and I had to crawl on the surface to keep from going to the bottom. Oh yeah that is an 06 Apex RTX 121" IDIOT :o|

PS. It took 8 guys and about an hour to retrieve it. :Rockon:

Thats exactly the scenario that we were in when I visualized purchasing a snowjack!!

I remember thinking to myself "If we ever get outta this, Im buying one of those damn jacks!!", lol.

Seriously, we were on a logging road that was progressively getting worse and worse, had to turn around by busting through some huge drifts on the sides of the road with absolutely no momentum.....all the while not dropping my apex into a tree well.

I knew I was gonna bury it, but it really was the lesser of two evils...ugh.

Man Im so glad I didnt have to leave my sled up there till spring!! :o|
Bill Harmon's Hi-Jacker on my '07 Apex. The only part of the mounting hardware I used in the kit was the "L" bracket and two bolts to attach it to my tunnel. I put a bungie on the end of the rod since it does have potential to back out of the footrest the way I mounted it, but it's never happened. The stud is a 1/2" stainless bolt with the head cut off and threaded into the "L" bracket with a jam-nut on the back.


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I was out in the garage all weekend prepping my Apex Mountain for a three day weekend sledding trip next weekend.

Did an oil change & filter change, changed chain case oil, got the Yamaheater wired correctly, installed OFT Oilite Bushings in my steering stem/shaft, etc, etc...

Then I decided to tackle installing my new Highjacker Snow Jack (the original better quality one from Colorado) that I got in the mail last week.

Holy crap...talk about limited options to mount that puppy.

I figured it would be easy being a 162" track and all...wrong!

The exhaust shrouds get in the way, the exhaust turn outs get in the way, the plastic rack gets in the way, the water lines get in the way....

I puzzled and puzzled over it and finally figured out one way it would fit...finally.

Then I came in and looked on here...I had forgotten all about this thread :o|

I'll be damned if I didnt end up mounting it basically the same way as the above post!

Im telling you..that is the ONLY way to do it on an Apex Mountain.

I did however, glean some better ideas by re-reading this post and looking at the pictures Mtn-Track posted (in great detail I might add) a bazillion times.

Thanks so much for sharing them with me Mtn-Track! Good Karma on you man... :Rockon:
I mounted Harmon's on my Attak. I did it the opposite of MtTraks. I put the end with the "T" into foot area and held by a "D" ring and strap eye.
The handle is just below the exhusts. It did stick out about 8 in.s from rear bumper so I cut it. After 2 seasons with it like that I was tired of worrying someone might plow into it without a red flag on it.LOL.
I used it 2 times and never got it up to the top anyway. I guess if I needed to I could pack more snow under the plate or get wood or rock.
