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Apex 121 to 128: Should I or shouldn't I ?


Feb 20, 2007
North Central Illinois
I have the oem Ripsaw in my Apex now, with a 15x128 Hacksaw and Tracks USA extensions ready to go. I'm having secound thoughts on if I should do the swap. I can pull a Polaris apart in my sleep, but I know this will take much more work, pulling the rotor and chain case off. Am I concerened about nothing? Is the 128 worth the effort. Groomed Trail and lake riding/racing only for use. rd

I extended my GT to 128" the same way. I liked it but my wife liked it better. So now she rides it and made me get another sled. So I got an Attak. I only have 80 miles on the Attak and will see if I like it or the extended GT better. With only 80 miles so far I cant tell much difference between them but both ride better than 121".
I would go ahead and do it. My 136 stretch job worked out good. Just be prepared with the proper mind set that it will take some time, and organization. There is some pics on the DIY on installing a 23t upper that will show you how to get the chaincase apart. Print this off and bring the pictures out in the garage with you when you do the work. Keep all parts in order on your bench. Getting the small sprocket off can be a pain. There is a listed socket by Yammi, but I went to Sears and got a 1 7/16 - 1 1/2 box end wrench for half the price. I made the mistake of pulling the skid prior to removing this sprocket, and it was hard to get ahold of the sprocket and hold it to get it off. You may want to disassemble the chaincase to the point of loosening this sprocket prior to skid removal. Also when removing rear skid bolts, remove one, then double nut it and re-install it then remove the other. The inner shaft on the rear arm is a floating shaft and will just spin around if you don't secure it. PM me if you want more info. Jay.
Always go longer! I don't think you will like the Hacksaw for trail riding as well as the Rip-Saw however.
Knapper, I was hoping with the 128 Hacksaw vs the 121 ripper, I could run a little more stud length above the lug for better hardpack grip and maybe gain a little mph on top end from the slightly shorter lug? All also hoping to not give up much trail traction.
The good thing about going to 128, Is I don't think you need a tunnel extension. If it were me, I would just go right to 136. You'll have more track options, better ride, better hook up...IMO.

1CrazySledder said:
The good thing about going to 128, Is I don't think you need a tunnel extension. If it were me, I would just go right to 136. You'll have more track options, better ride, better hook up...IMO.

And more push in the corners?
ricerocket said:
1CrazySledder said:
The good thing about going to 128, Is I don't think you need a tunnel extension. If it were me, I would just go right to 136. You'll have more track options, better ride, better hook up...IMO.

And more push in the corners?

That's what 121 owners say.

It'll seem like it does at first because you are led to believe it. This is a forever going argument. My experience, I could get my 136 around any corner just as fast if not faster then a 121. Skill level for skill level. I also had 168 1.375 up the middle on my 1.25 rip saw 136".

With the 128 you wont need any tunnel ext. I would think you with the 136 you could get by without it also.
msatow said:
With the 128 you wont need any tunnel ext. I would think you with the 136 you could get by without it also.

Naa. Not enough room when the suspension squats. If a guy goes out to 136, he'll need the tunnel extension.

I found installing the tunnel extension was no big deal compared to the rest of the project. It certainly isn't a show stopper. The bulk of the time will be spent with reassembly of the powertrain and skidframe installation (a bear).I agree with 1crazy, go all the way out to 136 and be done with it. You have a better selection of tracks. You address the age old problem with maintaining the balancing act of hookup vs. top end. 1" vs 1 1/4" vs 1 1/2 track. The 128x 1" with lots of nails will hook good in firm conditions no doubt, but in loose snow I also question if you will like it. I guess if I hadn't have gone with the Intense, I would have gone with a 136" Predator 1 1/4 with 3 1.375" picks per pitch inside the windows, 8" Bergstroms with 1/4 ski savers tighten the limiter one hole and fine tune with ski pressure, gear with 23/38 or 24/40 either way, and white spring secondary. That setup would be an overall nice package. If my Intense doesn't work out for me (which I believe it will), this is the setup I will run.
