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Apex to FX Nytro owners


Oct 3, 2005
Cold Spring, MN
I'd like to hear how you like your Nytro compared to your Apex.
I'm esspecially interested in handling in twisty trails and ride quality over trail bumps.
Thanks, Mike

I gotta vote the opposite but c'est la vie! Had an Attak; ok 2 of em. FX Nytro is way better off trail; even with the shortrack. It actually gets on top of the snow rather then chainsaw(trench) thru it. way more manueverable & handles big bumps a lot better. However; on smooth hi-speed trails & miss the Attak!
Turk said:
I gotta vote the opposite but c'est la vie! Had an Attak; ok 2 of em. FX Nytro is way better off trail; even with the shortrack. It actually gets on top of the snow rather then chainsaw(trench) thru it. way more manueverable & handles big bumps a lot better. However; on smooth hi-speed trails & miss the Attak!

It's funny you say that because I long tracked my Nytro to 136" and put Simmon ski's on it and it floated okay but it was a bear to carve with. It always seemed to want to dive.....kind of like it was only comfortable on the flat. The Apex LTX ( I Hate that they changed the name) rolls over effortlessly!

Goes to show you how two different people can have two totally different takes on the same machines. ;)!
IMO, the 2 are opposites. The Nytro is for the times when you want to go out and mash on some moguls, and the Apex is for the times when you want the power on the smooth, fast trails.
I can't say which sled I feel handles better on the twisty trails, since I've spent alot of time dialing my Apex in for twisty stuff (not done yet, though), and I really haven't done much with the Nytro. I can ride the Nytro just as hard and fast, though, so it may end up being better once I've got it where I want it.
Flip a coin, bud, there both awesome!!!!
I had a 06 Attak with a 1.5 ripsaw, Mtn riser, and mtn. skis. (RXWhoppers sled today) For trail riding the Attak was definately a more comfy ride. But the Attak/Apex sleds with the mono-shock just don't take the big chop like a Nytro. OFF trail the Attak worked very good. It took more muscle to get the carve started but once carving it was very controllable. I've only found snow deep enough once with My Nytro this year to make any decent off trail evaluation but I didn't notice any bad handling charectoristics. 6 of 1, half dozen the other. I like My Nytro and am happy with it.

If I could have My perfect Yamaha sled it would be a Mono-shock 136" 1.5" Intense FX Nytro.
