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Are there any NICE LOOKING aftermarket TALLER windshields?


TY 4 Stroke God
Apr 16, 2003
Eastern Washington- Cheney
I'd like to find a nice looking taller windshield for my 03 RX-1 Mountain. I have an 05 seat and the back end is jacked up in the air a bit through using the lower hole in the MPI billet rear axle mount.
Yes, I am way up there. I feel like I'm riding a Skidoo again by the lack of wind protection on the trails. My 03 mid height windshield is just too darn low. I looked at the Yamaha taller windshields on their website and they are just too plain Jane for me.
Does someone (maybe Cobra) make a taller windshield that actually looks nice? I know, beauty is in the eye of the beer holder but maybe one of you have seen one you like?


i have the short blue cobra windshield but i never saw any cobra long windshield


good luck to fine one

maybe you can tint the long one from Yamaha in blue .... just an idea
One Tall Good Looking windshield coming up


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Frostbite, I took my factory one, which I think is pretty tall and provides good protection, and painted it on the inside. My sled is silver so I started with black on the bottom and then faded it into silver, it turned out pretty good. Just an idea, I don't know if you're looking for a taller one than stock though!?

Thanks Focker, I have the mid height Yamaha windshield with the blue strobes (like in Weltracers avtar) right now. I love the way it looks and don't want to go back to a plain jane but I do want more wind protection.
Maybe Yamaha will offer more styles next season?
I looked at Cobra and their tallest is 15" (I believe).

