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attak vs fst in amsnow

if the fst could even come within a whisker of an apex,it would be in snow-tech..fst doesnt hold a candle to an apex

orange said:
sorry dirk, but I ride on snow, not glare ice. Regardless, it seems the fst has some pretty good power, especially down low and to 60mph it is very quick. Don't get me wrong, I luv my attak but having a turbo would be nice cause it would always have the same power. I can't beleive the fst would ride anybetter than my attak either, but I do like the looks of them.

It's not about power it's about approach angle or Attack angle "no pun intended. Yamaha suffers in that area. If you look at the front of the track the angle is very steep compared to the other oems.

If you want to do speed runs you don't run on snow. My old attack runs almost 90 mph in 660 on snow that's about 5 mph better then the FTS. This was done on the air strip at Lakes of the North in Michigan this year. As I already stated in stock form on Glare ice they run around 116 bone stock. I can tell you the Yamaha is night and day different in those conditions. On snow I can could only pull 110 on the speedo if I was lucky. On glare I'd see speeds in the 130's. the other sleds will not see that kind of improvement.
RED800 said:
if the fst could even come within a whisker of an apex,it would be in snow-tech..fst doesnt hold a candle to an apex
Until they turn up the boost when they get to the lake.
I have to say I have not read the article, but something about the fst interests me. I used to own polaris for years until they fell way behind. I am not saying I agree with the article, just wondering what others have seen. Those who have rode them are divided, some say great sled others say pile of crap. I wish yami could take 50lbs out of the attak, it would be felt cause I can tell a full tank of fuel from an empty one. I know loosing 50 lbs would be a bitch and expensive but I want it all lol
i saw the weights over at maximum and the fst is heavier than the attak so i dont know what amsnow is smoking,orange if your attak was set up properly you prolly would'nt be wishing to get rid of it.orange the new nytro is 130 hp now that is something to look at. there were some poo guys saying they were doing circles around the attak they must have mistaken it for the phazer.
I am not wishing to get rid of it, I luv it!!! For what the attak is designed for, trails or packed snow it is fricken awesome. I have 2 other sleds I am thinking of trading on something, maybe a fx nytro would be alright.
I do believe the fst is heavier than the Attak I do not really feel the weight difference between the two . Both sled.s fill different needs for me. The Attak with the S/C is all out fun to ride, gob's of speed great trail sled for the short runs. When we go for a two hundred mile day the fst is what I ride, The seat is firmer the handlebars can be moved for a different ride, it is just more comfortable . There is no comparison between the two motors, The fst does feel sluggish ,no turbo lag at all ,just feels slow Throttle response is no where near the yammi.
Both sled's fit my riding style. ;)!
last week i put on over 200 miles in one day and felt great i have no issues at all with darting or whatever else poeple complain about the attak.you have to set the sled up my bud has an rev 800 and i have no prob keeping up with him on the trails.i can take one hand off the handle bar and there is absolutely no darting or anything.i'm in full control and very confident when other sled come by and you do the normal hand jesture now my bro's rtx foreget about it that thing is a handful. don't like coming into a corner let off the gas and the #*$&@ end want's to be out front dart's like you would'nt believe.i'll stick with my attak.
I picked up an 06 RTX last Friday, and had the shock out, etc etc...it's all adjustable. Another guy with an 07 Apex complains about push..mine handles great...just tinker til you get it. Oh, we'd run our old RX-1's over 200 miles on Tug Hill and be loaded for home by 5 pm..no big deal...anything can be made better, even them..just keep adjusting until you're happy.
And Polaris and Cat are junk...really, they are cheaply made sleds..still so many f failures around here, it's almost sad...I think Amsnow knows Poo is in trouble and is helping to market them back a little by good press.
I don't have anything good to say about Poo, so I tried to stay out of this but...FST vs Attak - lol

I gave back my '06 FST to Poo and bought an Attak after getting the bone from Polaris for a year over this lemon. It is a total POS, at least the one I had and the 6 others that I know of up here that went back to Poo. My dealer finally gave me a 90% refund on my FST after a year and that day I took the money and bought an '07 Attak.

The FST was in the shop 5 times for a total of 15 weeks for the '06 and until Feb 07 riding seasons. Every time I rode it, it went back to the shop: Throttle safety switch, fouled plugs, Check engine light, turbo problems - all in under 60 miles on a brand new sled!
Dealer told me "you don't want this sled back, but I can't refund your money" Poo told me " we can't do anything for you except try to fix it with tech support helping the dealer."

FST faster/better than the Attak - who cares? The Attak isn't in the shop ~ 130 miles in 2 weeks. Chit - my FST would haved been in the shop a dozen times by now going by the rate of failure in the first 60 miles!

Thank goodness my lawyer got something out of it for me, because Poo was NOT standing behind this product.

My experience with customer service was SOOO bad, I can barely stand seeing the name Polaris on anything anymore - I'll never buy Poo again - ATVs or snowmobiles. Sorry, this is not about performance on an actual working FST - since I've never been able to ride one that worked for very long.

I mean I don't expect perfection from something mechanical, but if you put out a POS, fix it, replace it, stand behind it and I will stay with you - screw me for a year, feed me BS, have constant service bulletins, avoid doing the right thing, and I will never come back..... and I rode Poo for 11 years...Others have made them work, but just as many haven't. And I don't think putting a lot of work in to a brand new sled on your own is what buying abrand new sled is about.

The Attak rides much better, the weight difference is hardly noticeable, they are both heavy front ends. The FST would probably have done better in powder, but if I had made it to powder, I would have had to take it to the shop again afterwards.....
maybe they weren't weighing a switchback, either way these are the reviews and opinions I was looking for. the concept of the fst seems good but thanks for reminding me who is making it. The more I read about the fx nytro is making me think about trying one. I currently have 2 900 cats, a zr and a 1m, luv them to death but since I got the attak I haven't rode either one. lol
orange said:
seems in the new amsnow the fst handed the attak its azz in about every category including weight. The fst ran almost 108 and the attak was around 104. If I remember correctly the fst ran a 13.0 qrt vs 13.7 for the attak, speeds in the qrt were both 98-99 range. A fully fueled attak weighed 691 vs 670 something for the fst switchback. Amsnow call the fst sneakyfast and after seeing the reults I would have to aggree. I have been curious about the fst, now I am wondering about trading if they have all the issues worked out. I go west every now and then and it would be nice not to loose any power in the mountains. The results are posted over at hcs in the fst section if you want to go look, title is fstvsapex attak.
First off they did not use the switchback for comparison,and they never ran them head to head,the attak was pitted againest the renegade 1000 and yes the attak was the slowest thru any of the speed traps,even slower than the poo dragon,but to its defense it does weigh 98lbs more according to am snows report,i dont know if they weighed them on there owne scales or not,but there weight seems close but still alittle off from max.sleds weight,but all in all,they had the same driver same track,and same studs,so in the quarter mile it looks like the attak had the worst hook up of all,they dont list 60 ft times,but list it as 0-60 mph(ft.) at any rate it ran a terrible 260.39 to the renegades 246.41 or the others like poos fst of 212.25 and poos dragon at 198.46 and doo blizzards 174.13 so hook up for the 136 must have been some of the trouble plus the fact that it listed as the heavy weight of all of them. So it looks like the fst IQ is a real contender,and i have said this before the short tracks are faster than the 136 tracks,it shows here,as the attak went 104.75 top speed in the half mile on fresh snow,and the poos fst IQ went 107.64 so less than 3 mph seperated them,long track vrs short track,but which one gets pulled in on the end of the day at the end of a rope?? My bet is not the yammi!!!
