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attakmod said:
I gess Iam the one doing this job, it will be a good experince for when I have to change mine. I hope its just the donuts, we had enough trubble last year with our ski-doos.

Im that guy too... LOL.. I worked for a polaris dealer in the shop for almost 2 years so I have been the one who does all the service work on my buds sleds. I usually charge a 30pack of labatts blue light... Cheap enough... Its good experience. When I bought my turbo, My bud bought one at the same time, I installed his first so I could learn all about it and figure out if I wanted to do anything different on mine.... Then when I knew what I was doing, I installed mine... Works good that way.. lol..

I actually think the back-fire is pretty cool at night. Long lake pull and let off... you feel a thump under the seat and your friends are all saying it had 4' flames shooting out the back side out of both pipes. From the drivers seat, it looks like someone took a flash photo.
I had to replace my doughnuts on both y pipes, only one was left. I had around 4,000 miles. just make sure you get the exhaust lined up straight or you can crack or snap a y pipe. I saw it happen last year, 400 dollar repair because it is titanium, although they now sell stainless for a 1/4 of the price. good luck.
I never got around to it yet, when she back-fired there was another sled behind him and they could feel the heat, LOL. He is haveing alittle bad luck, the other day he backed up and distroyed his Hartmans rail extensions, I feel so bad for him.
apltx08 said:
When you say long ride, you mean wide open throttle...then let off the throttle to stop...mine will on occasion do it...I was told I was to RICH at WOT.
Mine did that too after a race with some freinds. I heard it, and everyone said there was a 4-5' flame. I didn't see it but everyone else did... they were all behind me :Rockon: .

My sled has only 1200Kms on it, so I don't think it would be the donughts. What should I do about being rich at WOT?
A way to test your donuts is at start-up, get yourself 2 rags, start your sled up and PLUG the rear exhaust outlets while sled is running with the rags applying moderate pressure!, 1 on each outlet...if she tends to stall fairly quick...she's OK! but if its tend to keep on running and hear weird sounds under the gas tank area...you have a problem!

The richness we all seem to have is a NORMAL accurance, I just learned to give some throtle on decellaration or gradualy let off to flush out any excess un-burned fuel and seems to work fine. ;)!
When the donuts where changes on my sled we didn't take the time to check out the Y-pipes.....Took it out riding and still backfiring!!!! Ended up being a bad Y-pipe, so take the extra bit of time and check over the Y-pipes while you have it tore apart....UNLESS YOU NEED AN EXCUSE TO DRINK SOME BEERS IN THE GARAGE!!!!

just my 2 cents....
He ordered his parts today and I will make shure to have a good look at the pipes. The sled is doing it more often lately, I put some rags over the exhaust and the RPMs droped but not mush, then I tryed mine and she almost stalled.
The backfiring thing is a bit frustrating. I changed Ypipes and doughnuts 300 miles ago and it still backfires on decel. I hold my gloves over the exhaust and the sled kills. I took it back apart and started the sled to see if I could see or smell any exhaust leaks. Saw nothing, smelled nothing, no funny sounds.
The sled never backfired before except when the doughnuts went bad, but now it does. Have no idea where to go with it from here.
Got the job done, it wasn't to bad. 1 doughnut was woren down to almost nothing and the other 3, well there wasn't any.
