Behind Secondary

Apr 15, 2003
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Chesterfield, MI
The last ride I was haveing a problem not getting up to speed, I look at my clutches to see if there was anything wrong. When I looked behind the secondary i saw something that looked wrong. should this spacer be here I do not remember it. If it is not where did it come from do I need a new bearing? PLease help I ride this weekend.


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Ok I looked at the secondary and everything seems fine. Where would that bushing go? With it in place the secondary will not open all the way.
Some secondaries like to shed that bushing for some reason. There are 2 bushings in the secondary, one in the helix, and that one you see there that belongs in the movable sheave. I would replace with a new bushing and then peen the sheave slightly to help hold the bushing in place. I have seen this happen on several sleds. Also check your jaskshaft bearing seal because once the bushing is out the secondary like to shove it into the bearing when it opens and this can tear the seal up.
The bulk head was done years ago when the first bearing failed. I have been with that look for years, it is not in the way. I will check the bearing tomorrow.
Ok 1 move pic for the night. Camera phones are great. It looks like there are bushings in the correct spot.


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You appear to have 1 too many bushings there. Who was the last person to pull your secondary?
Besides the bearing and the circlip you should have the large nut and tapered collar (threaded into large nut) that tightens the jackshaft to the inner race of the bearing (after chaincase is completely assembled). Then on the shaft you should have stepped washer, and then a flat washer before the secondary goes on. That is all the parts you should have in there in that order. The extra bushing is not good and likely damaged the bearing seal.
To get that type of damage of the outer bearing seat, one must of had quite the failure previously.

The "extra" bushing looks to be an aftermarket style with slit in it. The one you have now in the secondary is the factory looking type that is solid.
The ones with the slit in them have been known to come out as they don't have the friction hold like the solid ones do.
rx-1 blue reverse said:
Ding said:
You appear to have 1 too many bushings there. Who was the last person to pull your secondary?

Me. I do not remember that bushing.

That's what happens when people give you beer when tearing into their sleds! :tg:
It has been a few years since doing my last jackshaft bearing, however that looks like the split tapered sleeve that goes inside between the bearing and the shaft for early design 03 RX jackshaft bearings. Kinda hard to tell for sure from Pic. but that is my guess.
:4STroke: :yam: :rocks: :sled1:
