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Cleaning clutches


VIP Member
Nov 12, 2005
Val Caron, Ontario
2017 Sidewinder XTX LE 137
What is everyone using to clean their clutches? I’ve been using brake cleaner for years but curious if their is something better. I find it hard to keep up with the amount of belt dust the 8jp causes.


I stopped running dirtiest belt known to mankind a year ago....

Ultimax this season and I have never even wiped anything this entire season and with over 2050 miles on this belt now, I still have not been able to wipe a spec of belt dust off belly guard.

Acetone works well on sheaves.

I’m going to switch to the ultimax next year. I just put a new 8jp on for my trip north and I have so much belt dust it’s embarrassing lol. I do use acetone on the sheaves.

On another note the trails in Hearst are unbelievable! Even the local trails are high speed table tops!
What ultimax belt are you running Dan? Where can you purchase them in muskoka?
The 8jp is definitely dirty. BUT I have had very good luck on my stock one. It’s kinda funny as every once in awhile I throw the old dirty b$&ch on and pound it prett hard. I have at least 1500 on it and it just keeps taking a beating. Not saying it’s a clean belt but damn I kinda like how it performed. I have run. XS 825 now for almost 1000 miles it’s great. Not as clean as what Dan is getting but better then 8jp. But I’m still wrapping my secondary spring orange TP I’m at 6/3 now. I actually like the 8 Dn as it runs cleanest for me. Just broke 7200 miles today. Still tuning slightly with XS. 6/1 was good. 6/2 better and trying 6/3 tomorrow. Damn tight and tough to twist it at 6/3. TD power trail. All smiles so far on the winder. Knocking on wood!
What about cleaning the belt dust off the plastics? I’ve used spray nine which works ok, anyone have a better cleaner?
I have even just sprayed in on panels. Be carful on foam as it can eat the glue under foam. It’s a pain to get that belt dust off especially those bends and tight spots. Just can’t look like new panels.
Brake cleaner for clutches, magic erasers (mr clean) for the plastics. Works excellent!

I’ve put on many kms on my 8JP, but man is it ever filthy! The amount of dust after every ride is insane! Constantly blowing out my clutches...next year I think I’ll switch to 8DN
The 8jp is definitely dirty. BUT I have had very good luck on my stock one. It’s kinda funny as every once in awhile I throw the old dirty b$&ch on and pound it prett hard. I have at least 1500 on it and it just keeps taking a beating. Not saying it’s a clean belt but damn I kinda like how it performed. I have run. XS 825 now for almost 1000 miles it’s great. Not as clean as what Dan is getting but better then 8jp. But I’m still wrapping my secondary spring orange TP I’m at 6/3 now. I actually like the 8 Dn as it runs cleanest for me. Just broke 7200 miles today. Still tuning slightly with XS. 6/1 was good. 6/2 better and trying 6/3 tomorrow. Damn tight and tough to twist it at 6/3. TD power trail. All smiles so far on the winder. Knocking on wood!

That TP orange is a beast to wrap!! I've ran it at 70 and 80. I have to put it in a vice to wrap it at 80!!
Black streak remover for rv’s works well for plastics
