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Cleaning clutches

I use Castrol Superclean, purple bottle buy it at Wallmart. I remove panel, spray everything, rinse off, fire up the air compressor blow water out of clutches and looks new again. Did it this evening, took 5 mins. I also spray on side panels and scrub with brush where exhaust/clutch dust blacken them. Works great.


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I’m going to switch to the ultimax next year. I just put a new 8jp on for my trip north and I have so much belt dust it’s embarrassing lol. I do use acetone on the sheaves.

On another note the trails in Hearst are unbelievable! Even the local trails are high speed table tops!
Trails just about everywhere are MINT this season. I have not seen our local trails look so big and wide since '14. Having over 34inches on my snow stick depth, really makes for best trails ever!

We usually will get up to Qc at end of season after things are winding down here...but as of now things here are best in yrs but will be milder next week.
What ultimax belt are you running Dan? Where can you purchase them in muskoka?
You can get Ultimax most anywhere. I think my bud just got his in Huntsville(MALL) at that new sled shop. Yeah a sled shop in a mall! LOL.

But I get mine at home on ebay always cheap.

What about cleaning the belt dust off the plastics? I’ve used spray nine which works ok, anyone have a better cleaner?
I bring my white panels inside house, and use a magic eraser with warm water, It rubs off the plastics super clean.

Much of it is brake dust, and bottom edge gets dirty from my leggins.

Lowered offset, stock 21/41 gears also come into play for less dust, but the Ultimax is a very clean belt.

8DN is NOT the correct length belt, you will need more gear or else you lose mph.

8DN is far cheaper for sure though, I keep as spare.

I went to the Gates Carbon Fiber equivalent belt this year. WOW, so much better on grip and very little dust. The OEM 8JP is a mess...
A couple times each year I'll pop my clutches off and drop them off at a transmission shop for a few hours. They put them in their hot pressure washer for a few hours, and I slide the guy a few $ when I pick them up. They come out looking (almost) brand new. After this, it is scotch brite to the sheaves, then acetone for a final wipe.
Dish washer works well . Not my picture ! Too afraid my wife would fine the picture and cut something off in the night HA HA :)
Hot soapy sunlight, to clean clutches, then lacquer thinner to belt contact surfaces
The recommended wrap for that spring is 50. I run it at 40 with great luck on a stock sled. I couldn’t imagine that thing at 70 or 80!
Funny thing is started at 3/3. This is the original TP orange which was supposed to be such a beast spring. Well I finished up at 6/3 from the 3/3 after seeing black marks on secondary. I just continued to wrap tighter every 100-200 miles after seeing black slip marks. At 6/2 it started to really hold belt pretty good. At 6/3 it was just right. A lot of factors in clutching but I gotta say I thought going this high a wrap was to much until secondary came clean and I could pop skis at 65-70 mph on a 137 skid! Im not a big proponent of huge weight and heavy springs but this secondary needs some spring pressure. Funny thing is I’m only running just over 68 grams on heavy hitters. TD powertrail tune.
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Me Brake cleaner for alum surfaces only .. don't trust it on rubber or plastic parts . I had a clutch seize up long ago and have only used hot soap and water since. Spray 8 used to work good but the new spray9 is way better
