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dupont or reg. hyfax


Dec 13, 2009
new jersey
Have a 09 gt semi closed track . What hyfax are you guys running ? I run the duponts on the nitro and love them but do they work on the apex track .Thanks guys

Hyfax wear

I went with PP offset kit and Fleet Farm hyfax, before that I was scared to go more than 1000 miles if that. Now have well over 7000 miles and probably good for another 7000 and have ridden in many low snow conditions
There are a lot of threads on this. Seems those with tracks that are not fully clipped have issues. The rubber of the track, and the DuPont get hot from friction, that in combo with a little trail debri wears out your existing track clips, an can burn up your expensive hyfax quicker. Now from reading in here the ones with fully clipped tracks and duponts have the best luck, and the big miles on them. I burned up a set in about 600 miles in my nytro with a track clipped every third. So now I fully clipped my track as a precaution
I'm running duponts with a clipped every third ripsaw, did over 2,000 miles last year with no issues and very little wear on the duponts. If it keeps up like this not sure I'll ever have to change my slides again. I should also note though that I was able to get 3,000 miles with stock sliders before I changed them to duponts, and they still had a little life on them at that point.

After the 2,000 plus miles last year I looked closely and have not noticed any out of the ordinary wear on the track or clips from the duponts. My opinion is that if you keep your track adjusted properly and ride on snow you're fine. Long extended rides on bare pavement may be an issue, but I've done this as well and not had problems with my setup.

I hold to the fact that the duponts are more slippery than standard slides, so friction and heat are reduced between the duponts and the rubber track as well as between the duponts and the track clips, so in theory they are better all around on everything in the system.

If there is any concern about the wear from DuPonts, run Pioneers wheel drop kit and standard slides and you will be good to go for thousands of miles.
I ride my apex in minimal snow throughout the year and had real bad problems with burning cheap hyfax out. after switching to duponts im at like 800 miles in the same conditions with much life to go, totally worth the extra.
I also have the Pioneer Performance wheel spacer kit on my '07 Apex shorty with standard slides and the original closed track. I feel this is the way to go, plus you get the benefit of the stronger two bolt mounting bracket. The first thing you will notice after the install is when you are warming up the sled on your stand the track just free wheels with out any drag, this told me right away that it was working. Yamaha should have built it this way to begin with. Pretty much no slide wear at all. And I also run my track tightness at factory spec. Just my 2 cents.
My setup is this, Pioneer drop kit, updated Yamaha spoke'd wheels, low snow wheel kit at the front bend, 4th wheel kit and track tension set to the loose side of the owners manual spec's. Last year I had the Rip Saw fully clipped and added the DuPont slides. 1,700 miles of every condition these sleds see and slides still look new. So I'm a believer in the DuPont's. ;)!
I also have DuPont slides with every third clipped track,
Just over 3000 km so far and there's little wear on the slides, track clips look good to, all wheels are stock size... So far so good ...
