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exhust wrap question


Oct 30, 2011
Burlington, Ontario
I have changed the shield above the flexi pipe, and dont know how it will hold up (heat shield from royal distributing). I wrapped the pipe with black moose wrap, started the machine up and quite a bit of grayish smoke started billowing out from under the gas tank area. Do exhausts wraps do this at first? Also does anyone know the temperatures in the area around the flexi pipe? Wrap rated for 2000 F

Yes wraps smoke at first.As long as the wrap holds up you will be okay.Once gone that 2000 deg shield will burn.The pipes there are cherry red at night!
i have no idea what "black moose wrap" is.
However, if it is the same as DEI header wrap, it will take the heat. Did u use safety wire to lock it in place?
I had a grizzly bored out to 660 years ago and it liked to cherry the head pipe. I wrapped it with header wrap and never had a issue. amazing stuff.

looks kinda woven almost like a nylon tow strap...however it unweaves and frayes alot easier then nylon and feels alot slipperier.
its OBVIOUSLY a different material was just giving a reference. NOBODY SHOULD TRY TO USE A NYLON STRAP AS HEADER WRAP.
(just trying to avoid idiot replies with the disclamer above)
