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Fox Float II add on rez


TY 4 Stroke Guru
Feb 23, 2006
Reaction score
West of PG, BC, Canada
Hey all

Anyone familiar to the suspension world for sleds has heard of the new fox float II. In a nushell, its way better than the first, it takes stutter bumps much better than before and acts as though it has a piggy back already on it ( as in a regualr float with a piggy back for comparison)

Anyways, would adding a rez to a float II make it that much better as it did to its predecessor?

The rez im refering to is the hygear float kit

You might want to check this out regarding the resi's:

I'm not familiar with the II's, but understand the big difference is the fact they say they've increased the volume of the air chamber (how was that done/how much did they change?). I think that will help out the guys running lower pressures, but some may prefer that volume should be adjustable to allow dialing in to different air pressures. You can get into more about that in the above link. Other than the air volume increase (which is not that apparent looking at the pictures), they say they've changed the valving- which is not that big a deal as many that ride with shocks like these will end up changing that to conform to their own thoughts/wishes/riding style anyway(no mattter what is there from the OEM). So thinking the II's are just slightly tweaked from the original versions - and to answer your question, a good set of resi's is still a good plan if you are looking for the most available from them.
Thanks for the info, and that was along the lines of what I was thinking

I think that the float II's are so new that they havent made a kit for it, although externally, they should mount right up.
Yamahammer485 said:
Thanks for the info, and that was along the lines of what I was thinking

I think that the float II's are so new that they havent made a kit for it, although externally, they should mount right up.

Yup, that would be my bet as well. The pictures show no obvious difference. The resi manf's would know for sure when you order?
Im sure they would know when I go to order, but its nice to plan things out over the summer if you know what I mean..., lots of ideas floating around..

One of which is that im thinking of going another route and getting shoctec to add on some rezees on ym stock front shocks. They need to be revalved anyways, along with my rear shock. I havent heard of anyone doing this so still researching, endlessly...,!
i spoke to Frank at shocktec about the fox floats, he basically said the best bang for the buck is just get your floats revalved, adding the resi's is expensive
i'm getting him to revalve my floats and both skid shocks
ScottyD said:
i spoke to Frank at shocktec about the fox floats, he basically said the best bang for the buck is just get your floats revalved, adding the resi's is expensivei'm getting him to revalve my floats and both skid shocks

I'd agree with him. The resi's are for tuners. I AM looking for that last couple percent performance available from my suspension. 90% of the guys riding just do not need them.

Stock Float calibration/valving on the other hand, is typical Yammi. It responds noticably with any massaging from somebody that has a clue. Hard to go wrong there.
