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Hauck GHT-R-DUN Exhaust


Oct 19, 2006
Williams Bay, Wisconsin
Just got to put on my first miles on 06 Attak with Hauck kit in it. Can anyone tell me who has this kit what DB's (decibels) the exhaust is putting out ??? Wisconsin law is 88 DB's max and I was told thats what the Hauck exhaust is but wondering if anyone has tested it.


kipe1. :4STroke:


I'll have to look it up, or tomorrow night is my club meeting and someone there should know. When I find out I'll PM ya. I believe its 4000 RPM, but do not know at what height/angle/distance from the sled when the DNR does the test.

4000 RPM, 157.5 inches (4 meters) away, 48 inches above the ground, 4 seconds.
Is this measured fromthe front, side or behind the sled? I wold think this wolud make a difference in the DB's meadured, wouldn't it?
I just installed mine as well, would be very interested in knowing the DB reading. It seems like it would be close.

I have the hauck exhaust. Have you had any DNR problems in the UP or around mancelona / grayling / east jordan area. What is the max DB level in MI?
No issues. I dont know the law for sleds, but what ever it is I know its alot lower then these pipes. When we had snow at the first of the season I was stopped twice by dnr for my stickers and they didnt say anything about the noise. I think it sounds awesome. You could ask for a better sound out of a sled. :4STroke:
