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Help a flatlander please


Feb 25, 2006
Sudbury, Ontario
Guys im running a FX Nytro XTX with the 144" ripsaw. anyways took it on the poleline in deep Powder (well 4ft is deep here) and I LOVE playing in the POW, forget the trails this is my new love.

My Questing is how do I temperaly take out the sway bar, can I just unbolt oneside? Cause I'll need to put it back in when I go on the trails for a trip.

Also how do you side hill and do those cool turns and powerturns without falling on my #*$&@??? :o|

Thanks from a flatlander ;)!

Daranello said:
Guys im running a FX Nytro XTX with the 144" ripsaw. anyways took it on the poleline in deep Powder (well 4ft is deep here) and I LOVE playing in the POW, forget the trails this is my new love.

My Questing is how do I temperaly take out the sway bar, can I just unbolt oneside? Cause I'll need to put it back in when I go on the trails for a trip.

Also how do you side hill and do those cool turns and powerturns without falling on my #*$&@??? :o|

Thanks from a flatlander ;)!

Now that you found powder you will never want to go back!!!
The sway bar can be disabled by just unbolting it.
Carving in poweder and side hilling are both a work of art!!! So when in the powder say you want to turn left you would actually turn your skis to the right and lean to the left and also use your throttle it will help roll it over on the side. Side hilling and carving will take alot practice. Move your skis to the most narrow setting this will help.

Hope it helps enjoy!!!
It takes a lot of practice Daranello and the Nytro sleds are some of the harder ones to do it on. I have a buddy who can power turn anything. He can powerturn his own sled while sitting and dragging his other hand in the snow. He can do figure 8's, sure he can probably spell his name.

The first time he got on my Nytro he had great difficulty finding the balance between layed over and layed down. There are a number of reasons, but one of the main reasons is the wide running boards. They act almost like a teeter. When you get past the point where they are a factor, the sled wants to lay down. Also, the high cg makes the transition from straight up to layed over a little more difficult.

It's going to take some practice. If I were you, I'd start by doing very large circles with minimal counter steer, and then try applying more counter steer as you get more comfortable.

I haven't been able to master them in anything less than a few feet of fresh powder. If there is any bite to the snow whatsoever, she catches and pitches you. I also cannot sit and do it like I could on my Firecat. I have to use the foot at the rear of the running board, leg hanging way off approach.
I think you must have something wrong with your sled because I think the nytro is the easiest sled I have ever carved with. I have doo riders tell me it is alot easier to carve even my girlfriend who has never rode in powder can carve the nytro but not the vector. I do not have the sway bar disconnected as well.

Just my .02
yeah we are talking apples and oranges here...

XTX riders I am guessing dont ditch their sway bars...mountain riders ditch them day one...

and with no sway bar, this sled has WAY more stability in powder turns than my Rev...

would bet the debate changes if we ask about sway bar in or out...
Goddo said:
Interesting point mtdream....I ride a shorty, and obviously my sway bars are intact. I'd love to try an MTX with disconnected sway bars to see the difference.

No sway, and a good set of shocks.... This thing handles way better than any M-sled I have ever ridden... and they handle SWEET.
MotoPsycho said:
Goddo said:
Interesting point mtdream....I ride a shorty, and obviously my sway bars are intact. I'd love to try an MTX with disconnected sway bars to see the difference.

No sway, and a good set of shocks.... This thing handles way better than any M-sled I have ever ridden... and they handle SWEET.

that there is the key!!! My bro in law has a VERY nice m8 with floats all around, and it is AMAZING to see the difference in M8's with new floats on front and old spring n shock fronts...

want to ride a Nytro with float2's on the front before I make the decision to jump...if it is the same difference as between the M's it is a COMPLETELY different sled in pow!!! and WAY worth it!!!
yea all you have to do is un-bolt one side and you have effectively disabled the sway bar.

fxnytrort3 - The sway bar allows the right and left side to work together. when you push down on one side it will try to apply the same force to the opposite side thereby sharing the load so to speak; same if you hit a bump with one ski and not the other; it gives you more stability when trail riding helps reduce body roll when cornering. When you unhook the sway bar it allows each side to work independently from the other. which means you can get it to sidehill with less effort but you will get more body roll when off camber or trail riding.
