Help me find the tricked out Rx-1!


Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
North of Sweden

Been searching for days now without result.
I know its on here somewere. Its a Rx-1 (2 or 3 actually) with a pretty unique front bumper mod.

Could someone please help me.

(oh, search system on here really SUCK, get around 14k results with each search).

Thanks Rasmus :drink:
Is it the one with the bumper removed?

Don't remember were i got the pic from, probably on here somewhere in the sled garage area.


  • Alatalo2.jpg
    337.4 KB · Views: 160
I know what your referring to

I remember exactly what your talking about! There were two of them side by side and they had the nose cut off flat, nothing in front of the bulk head/a-arm mounts just flat....looked funny but could be quite useful! Yes the search does suck....shows a million posts with no specific nature to the searchwords....been like this as long as I can remember.
??? ugly


  • sleds%20003.jpg
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  • sleds%20001.jpg
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That is pretty cool! I always thought our sleds could look so much leaner if Yamaha removed the foot of empty nose cone space and installed a smaller hood.
What kind of hood is that? I kinda like the look, or maybe more of the practicality.
Remove the nose? That is the feature (looks) of the sled that sold me on it. Why do people want to ugly up a good thing? Besides that is where I carry my tools + oil + battery charger! Take that away and I :dunno:
Sorry, to each his/her own but that is extremely ugly. I hate the front and the seat looks like crap also. If you like it great, just not a good looking sled IMO.
IMO the Apex is arguably the best looking sled on snow....the nose included.



I totally agree. I dont see any reason to do that other than saving weight but how much weight are you gunna save by removing some plastic?? a few pounds..... I could loose that much just by skipping dinner a couple nights a week... Definately not worth it if its only for weight reduction... I like my apex the way it is and there is no question in my mind that the apexs are the best looking sleds on snow!!

I always think of that old magazine add ran by ski doo where they had the apex and a ski doo next to it with the weights strapped on the hood trying to point out the fact that yammis are heavy. When I first looked at that add I immediatly was drawn to the apex in the pic. It is so much better looking than the rev that I had to read the add to realize it was a ski doo add.
