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Horrible gas mileage 05 RX Warrior


Feb 14, 2015
05 Yamaha RX Warrior
I have owned my sled for two years now and have watched my gas mileage plummet. I am down to under 7 miles per gallon. I can clean the carbs in my sleep at this point and have done lots of checks and am lost. When riding, there is a faint odor of gas, but we have checked several times and there is no leaking fuel anywhere.

When accelerating, it seems like the carbs are dumping extra gas at low speed and there is a huge stumble and lots of popping as you open it up more. At half throttle and WOT you better be holding on. The main thing that I am seeing in the carbs at this point is that when I lightly touch the throttle, I can see gas coming up through the main jet and nozzle before the slides and needle even move. I am under the assumption that there should be no gas coming out of here until the slides open up more. Any insight on this would help.

Carb floats are within spec, pilot jets are currently set at 1.5 turns, carbs have been synced, valves recently re-shimmed, exhaust donuts replaced. I did take off the O-ring on the bottom of the main jet after it fell apart since several people say it is only for steep inclines and Mountain sleds.

Love the machine but getting to the point of filing paperwork for a divorce. Any marriage counselors out there with some free advice?
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Forgot to add that I dropped the main needles all the way down (top notch) to attempt to block the fuel coming out of the nozzle too early. Only difference noticed was lack of speed at WOT. They were previously set at the third notch down which would be the middle position.
Forgot to add that I dropped the main needles all the way down (top notch) to attempt to block the fuel coming out of the nozzle too early. Only difference noticed was lack of speed at WOT. They were previously set at the third notch down which would be the middle position.
You really need those O-rings on the mainjets. Buy replacements. The needle valves may be sticking. Remove the little screw that acts like a lock and take out the brass seat and needle. There is a little screen on top of the brass seat. Throw this away. Gently clean the seat and needle with Q tips and carb cleaner. Put the needles back and reinstall everything. With the airbox off you should not see fuel pooling in the carb throats when idling. If there is then you probably need to replace the needle and seats on the affected carbs. I doubt that all 4 are a problem except for the 4 missing O-rings.
