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How many guys going to sell there 120 Hp for the new exciter

I will probably go down from the attak. I have my 136" turbo rx-1 if i need fast in a strate line. 130ish hp phaser would be stupid fun.

Mighty said:
If it's the rumored quad sled I will. What's a quad sled you wonder? Comes with wheels and converts to a quad for a true all season toy ;)!

LOL- That would have been useful the last couple winters...
I doubt you will see that many Rage/Vector riders making the switch, but if it ends up being a consumer version of the mod-class snocrosser Id bet you will see Nytro riders making the switch.
Hopefully Yamaha will come out with an "Exciter GT" that is tuned for groomed trails. I just cant see Yamaha killing off the Vector and not replacing it with anything.
I think that a lot of people will look at the $8000-$9000 pricetag and will remember just how little they rode this year and will most likely decide to hold onto their old sled for at least another year. Its awfully hard to justify spending that much money on something that you get such little use out of.
I'll have to wait to see the specs, primarily weight. If it isn't considerably lighter than my Vector, I don't see myself buying one. I've already got a bunch of mods into my sled and with the Wildchild steering post mod, it is as rider forward as the Apex.

From what I've heard from my dealer, the new sled won't be as good for high speed, long distance riding as the Vector. If I didn't already have my sled I'd be all over it but I'll at least wait a year until the bugs are worked out and see how it performs. Most likely I'll wait until the next generation of 4-stroke Yamaha comes out and buy that.
i dont like the price and the gas tank size, over than that i love it!
