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I cannot side hill on my XTX. Any sidehilling tips?

akvector said:
disconnect your sway bar!!!

I waited too long to do it on my mtx and now I can do down hill turns and go back up something i was never able to do before!!!

I do not notice a big difference on the trail with out it either but you do need good shocks

As I mentioned in my original post, I have removed the sway bar.

best to practice starting from a standstill. Stand on one side of the runing board, with the down-hill/sled side leg on the board and the outside leg hanging for extra weight shift. Counter steer, hit the throttle hard and lean into the hill. you are looking to get the track to dig in. if needed, you can alo go for max weight transfer on the rear skid, which will help lighten the front a bit. Keeping it on one ski takes a lot of effort and sometime i find myself waving my leg like a crazy man trying to get extra counter balance. I've gotten pretty good at it this year - Yami mtn ski with normal width stance. The harder the snow the harder this is to do also.
beeze455 said:
I am no expert rider and I am not riding wicked steep terrain, but I should still be able to put this thing on its side from time to time. Couple non-yammy buddies go on it and said the same. Plan on looking into those skin a-arms when they come out, but what cna I do now? Looking for some tips.

2011 XTX
Removed sway bar
tried and low settings on the front shocks
1.25 ripsaw track
roll over kit
pilot 6.9 skis

not that these matter

Roest skid plate
excel headers
geared and clutched
trail tank
Here is the way to go :)
