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ice in the skid/tunnel


Apr 14, 2003
What does everyone do for the ice buildup under this thing.

I just went to pull my second sled off the trailer and noticed ( again) how much ice is above my track and in the skid.

I am afraid if I parked this in the yard and drove it the second day all that ice will try to go to the front of the machine and maybe do some damage .

So far I have been lucky but I have to back off the trailer which kicks most/some of the ice out.

I put mine up on a stand after each day of riding and with a long scew driver I knock off the slush/ice. Then run the track in reverse/forward to dislodge it.
Rubber Mallett for most.

Wooden wedge tapped by rubber mallet for the remainder. [ don't want to scratch my baby]

I do not worry about the small stuff.

Run her in reverse afterwards to clear the stuff out.

I was told by an old sledder up north last week end that if you spray the problem area with Pam cooking spray that the snow could not stick.I have not tried this yet. I have to do something this machine gains 20 pds by the end of the day.
I was sick and tired of removing massive amounts of ice from my sled. Thats why I insulated and heated my garage up north. I feel spoiled now.
I agree the ice build up is like nothing I've ever seen . What's really incredible the noises the thing makes cold as the ice works its way out down the trail . I'm going for the Pam !
yeah the marbles in a blender sound isnt too swift,with no reverse i cant just back up but the other day i was out and it got really bad,i just shut the sled off and pulled it back about 6 ft by hand and out came the ice,9 day trip planned for feb 6th ,no chance to melt it off,will try pam for sure
I would love to hear the pam results too, I thought I might try to put a lamp/light bulb kind of under there somewhere while my sled is in the garage . Don't know if that will melt it or not.

I thought when I back my trailer in the garage I could put one of those clip on lamps somewhere on the back and leave it , wont cost alot( heating the garage all the time) and might work??
I tried the Pam thing last weekend and it didn't work for me. My wife was wondering why the Pam went empty so quick and I just shrugged my shoulders. I went back to kicking the sh$T out of it.

Here's an idea, pull the skid out and have the tunnel coated with teflon!
ger said:
What does everyone do for the ice buildup under this thing.

I just went to pull my second sled off the trailer and noticed ( again) how much ice is above my track and in the skid.

I am afraid if I parked this in the yard and drove it the second day all that ice will try to go to the front of the machine and maybe do some damage .

So far I have been lucky but I have to back off the trailer which kicks most/some of the ice out.

i have a heated floor in my garage, or when i am out on the trails i eye up a snow bank and hit it hard so that i land hard on the road. This will help clean out the ice.
