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IDLER WHEEL QUESTION. I've read the FAQ and searched already


Nov 30, 2007
Monroe, Wisconsin
Too many old posts on the subject. I am wondering what the latest suggestion is for replacing the idler wheels on my '06 apex RTX is with the mono suspension.

I broke two off this past weekend. One large rear wheel and one smaller wheel. The larger one was on the rear left and the smaller one was on the inner right. Both sheared the bearing's and the wheels just fell off, bolt still in tact. I was riding pretty hard.

I want to get some replacements and want to know what to get. My slider wear is acceptable as far as I have noticed, so I just want a long lasting replacement wheel. Thanks for your help! :rocks:

Replace the back wheels with the yammi spoked wheel, and the other small ones with ski doo or kimpex 5.35" diameter wheels all with replaceable bearings... long lasting... and looks good....

PS... the smaller wheels will come with a 6205 bearing... stock yammi's have 6005.. you will have to put some locktite on the nuts... but i have done this and it works great!!!!!
Does anyone have specific Yamaha, Ski-doo, and Kimpex part #'s? I read that for the other brands that you need to either file down the wheel mount bracket or use washers. Sounds like there's not one specific best proven aftermarket wheel or updated Yamaha wheel to use after this many years of the apex being around? How sad :(
I read Dan's post, but I'm not having that much of a wear problem and don't want to replace everything. I just want a wheel that I can throw on there and ride. I am just wondering for the two different wheels that I broke off if there is a better stock or aftermarket wheel that I don't have to make any mods to use. I know yamaha has two different wheel types as well. They have the colored spoked wheel and the colored swirl wheel. I don't know if there is any difference between the two or not.
Before my wheels broke off, I was having no problems with them. The rubber is in good shape on them and Most of the wheels spun quite easily with little friction. My slides are wearing fine as well. I bought a set of the narrow slides last year, but haven't had to replace them yet.
Wisconsin said:
Does anyone have specific Yamaha, Ski-doo, and Kimpex part #'s? I read that for the other brands that you need to either file down the wheel mount bracket or use washers. Sounds like there's not one specific best proven aftermarket wheel or updated Yamaha wheel to use after this many years of the apex being around? How sad :(

Yamaha has the part numbers. Go here: http://www.yamaha-motor.com/sport/parts/home.aspx Enter your year and model sled and look at the microfiches for the suspension and wheels. From there you get the part numbers.
Yes, but won't those just be the stock wheels? I know about the fiche. I thought the stockers had non-replaceable bearings and they had newer yamaha wheels that have replaceable bearings... I.E. the spoked wheels vs. the swirl wheels?
Just go to Port Yamaha site and look in Yamaha accessory catalog they have all you need and when you order it asks yr and if you make mistake they call you to verify. This yellow set has over 4000 miles on them this yr and still look great. I have another set that went 6000 before the 03 blew up.


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Wisconsin said:
I am thinking of getting these:

http://www.yamaha-motor.com/sport/acces ... etail.aspx

http://www.yamaha-motor.com/sport/acces ... etail.aspx

I thought that I read that the spoked wheels were supposed to be better than the stock wheels. Anyone know anything about these wheels?

Those are the ones you want. I run them and they seem to last a long time. 6000 miles on the idlers and the rubber is still good. You will likely have to replace the bearings before the wheels wear out. But it is just a $3.50 bearing.
