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If the 2011 pics are it then yami has lost me after 25years

2011 Polaris RUSH 800 SPY PIC


  • rush.jpg
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While I want more power because I'm a heavy weight, I'm glad they did not Nytro the Apex. Seems many want a Nytro with the Apex motor.

This way is better. Two choices in sleds rather then one sled with two motor choices. Now if we could just get the Apex motor into a venture!


  • TY Ride Release.pdf
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addicted to sleds

My point is simply that I buy a new sled every year or two and I am worn out on the rx based chasis. I agree my rider forward Apex version is leaps and boiunds better than my RX1. Went to the Nytro and like a lot of things about it except the 98 mile per hour air brake effect. Yes going over 100 is impotant in Michigan sorry if you give guys like me the finger, but it is a free country. I also like the 92 Vmax 4 effect where everyone at the bar wants a look or ride call me vain, but if I spend 11-12K I think you should get the Ferrari effect for free. This sled is just more bolt on fixes even if they add the power....Just thought they were headed down the right path with the semi-tubular frame on the Nytro...I will agree it is not as good as a trail sled as I hoped, but I wanted to reward Yamaha for making the leap to minimalist styling and new ideas....I mean come on a cool motor can only do so much!!!!!!!! And yes hands down the Yami's have the best motor.....But that is all they have.....Imagine this 4 banger in the Cat snow pro 500....Can you say GAME CHANGER! & I really despies the arogance of cat riders, but come on you have to admit thats the type of thing we want!.....Just saying this from a yami guy who has bought a lot of sleds not some who post on here still riding and 06 telling me to be happy with this version
When I picked up my new sled (used apex ltx) last weekend the seller had just came back from the UP with his new Renegade. I asked how things went and he said they a few mechanical issues, something they didn't think they would have with new sleds.....Something he didn't experiance with Yamaha.
Re: If the 2011 pics are it then yami has lost me after 25ye

chunkydunkin said:
Face it this is the same layout as the RX1...APEX...and now the gen 3....Love the nytro setup just needs to be slightly less steer agressive and way more power....where is the power to stomp a CAT and the tube frame to be trail/off trail dominant.....GAME CHANGER....MAYBE FOR MY 55 year old father! Just so everyone knows I am in my mid-thirties not some 18 year old stand up wantabe snowcross rider.....
I cant believe how people bitch and complain about a sled that doesn't officially exist. Yamaha has yet to make any claims about any new sleds so "Game Changer" came from the supertrax guys who historically are terrible judges of snowmobiles.
I run out of throttle on the trails and lakes all the time, I love everything about my sled accept the power. I'm keeping my apex and installing a yamacharger over the summer... That will fix the only shortcoming I have found on my sled.... I love it....
Mtn-Track said:
I'll have to see what's under the hood, but for now I'll stick with what I already have. My Yami dealer isn't stocking Yami sleds anymore, but is thinking of picking up "other" brands. There may be a Cat in the house in the near future. :drink:
thats because yamaha cut production 75% and thus cut units available to its dealers buy 75%.
Im pretty sure we should all be happy we even have yami sleds at all...i bet if you looked at the financial statements of the yamaha sled portion of the total companies profits you would see that yamaha doesnt make much if any profit on their sled division...but i could be way off...i have always owned yamaha products and wont ever switch..
Re: If the 2011 pics are it then yami has lost me after 25ye

chunkydunkin said:
Face it this is the same layout as the RX1...APEX...and now the gen 3....Love the nytro setup just needs to be slightly less steer agressive and way more power....where is the power to stomp a CAT and the tube frame to be trail/off trail dominant.....GAME CHANGER....MAYBE FOR MY 55 year old father! Just so everyone knows I am in my mid-thirties not some 18 year old stand up wantabe snowcross rider.....
First off im the same rider character that you are and I left yamaha when the rx1 came out because it was a pig I thought compared to my previous sleds except for one of them (vmax 4) then I bought an f7 bad mechanical issues so it left then went to skidoo 800 lots of power but blown motors then back to cat for m7 mechanical issues again (diamond drve issues) now xtx and Im sticken with yamaha for the long run just because I can ride more miles per year because its not in the shop or my garage getting worked on. I think a nimbler, lighter, a little faster apex would not be bad thing at all and they need to have a sled like this because the only thing I dont like about the others of yamaha is that they are cold to ride when temps are low and that leaves me an option to switch sleds with out having to buy a sled with mechanical issues.. :yam:
Re: If the 2011 pics are it then yami has lost me after 25ye

Groovetastic said:
I cant believe how people bitch and complain about a sled that doesn't officially exist. Yamaha has yet to make any claims about any new sleds so "Game Changer" came from the supertrax guys who historically are terrible judges of snowmobiles.

We have a winner! Pretty much my opinion though I'm not sure I'd refer to the supertrax guys as terrible, questionable maybe.

Groovetastic, please take the time to update your location in your profile. Thanks.
2008 Nytro RTX said:
Keeping my Nytro but I am going to pick up a 2011 XP MXZ X 800 R E-tec in the fall


there claimin 19 mpg, no way. We demoed a 600E-tec witch they claimed 20+ mpg and it only got 10-13 tops. 200 mile ride and my Nytro did way better at the pump. Plus they claim no smoke, well guess what when i rode behind that smokin pig i just laughed. I could tell every time my riding buddy was in the gas. And no it didnt sip the oil either. Now i could see if a guy rode it like a sunday driver it mite get what they claim
