Is a tune/reflash worth the warranty void


TY 4 Stroke Guru
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
Upstate NY
whats everyone's opinion on this is the motor strong enough to handle tunes I'm certain Yamaha will void the warranty with one. I really want one but cannot afford to replace a motor or other expensive parts if Yamaha won't cover them. What's everyone's take on the issue
From what we're hearing from the aftermarket tuners I think the motor is the least of your worries. I think you have to be more concerned with the non Yamaha components.
Personally I'll be holding off until i see how the skid holds up.
I'm in the same boat. I put a tune on my 16 Cat turbo, but that engine had been around for about 8 years and was proven. I even took my OSP muffler back off for now.
by the sounds of it we are probly in the minority keeping it stock, but i'm coming off my 06 Attak so this will be enough of an upgrade for this season. I'll be paying close attention to all the goodies and then make an informed decision for an all out monster next season! Besides, there's enough upgrades to mess with without losing the warranty security blanket for the first year.
If not wanting to void Warranty dial in the clutching,traction and suspension then you will get every last ounce of the power there already and be ready when or if you do mod. Always bags,Windshields,Handguards,Lighting,GPS etc to add! LOL man we have a expensive sport.
I don't think the warranty is void for the whole sled, it shouldn't be. The motor itself however is another thing.
SO far this motor is holding up well to mods...
Ben would you consider the eco trail and turbo force a mild tune for this motor? I have no concerns with your tune but consider the eco tune to be somewhat mild for this new motor. I would think 3 pounds of extra boost to be very safe as the OEM tune is always conservative?
If not wanting to void Warranty dial in the clutching,traction and suspension then you will get every last ounce of the power there already and be ready when or if you do mod. Always bags,Windshields,Handguards,Lighting,GPS etc to add! LOL man we have a expensive sport.

Well said cannondale27. Being that the SW will be my first turbo sled and AC based chassis I'm taking the route that you least for this year. I'm going to use this season as a learning curve for the new to me powerplant and platform and try to wring out every last ounce of performance of the sled through suspension, handling, clutching, and traction and see where I'm at by the end of the season. I'll be taking the cautious approach to the motor warranty situation and will watch from the sidelines as far as going any further with my mods to the sled.

Kudos to all the guys who'll be trying out all of the exhaust/tunes/boost improvements on their sleds this year. This new motor package looks like the real deal for the guys that have "been there done that" before with their previous turbo experiences and it should be a great winter to watch and see just what combinations turn out to be the hot ticket for the top speed guys.

With the way this winter season is already shaping up in all parts of the riding areas of the US and Canada there should be plenty of feedback all season long to sift through and find out what's going to be the hot ticket. It's already been said on a few other threads but lets all have a safe season and have enough respect for the power that your right thumb controls.
Ben would you consider the eco trail and turbo force a mild tune for this motor? I have no concerns with your tune but consider the eco tune to be somewhat mild for this new motor. I would think 3 pounds of extra boost to be very safe as the OEM tune is always conservative?
I think its a very safe tune for 91 octane fuel. Its a mild upgrade just 3 psi over stock.

Power is a stage 2 tune but we made it safe timing wise and fueling wise. I personally think its not an aggressive tune. However it is important not to make more mods apart from the exhaust ex... a cold air intake. The alpha tubes are fine btw they dont affect the tune at all.
Thanks. That's kinda what I thought. I have the alpha tubes in orange > they look awesome and the clamps that come with them seem like they would help with boost leaks. In that they would prevent them.
