Local Snow Drags


Lifetime Member
Nov 16, 2009
Reaction score
North West Ontario
We had local pretty casual snow drags here yesterday.
Was a 660' groomed track with a good safe runout on the lake with very little base so studs were needed to be competitive in the improved or mod classes.
Sleds were teched as best as could be done.
Stock Turbo Finals no studs:
137" SW number 1
137" Mach Z number 2
146" Polaris Boost number 3
These sled went through multiple heats to get to the final.
Did they show times or mph? Or just fun, how close did they run? Sidewinder / boost etc
It was a light tree start... after that who ever crossed the 660' marker first. Hard packed track so once out of the hole mph was key.
No times or mph recorded.
SW was 3 -5 sled lengths ahead of Mach Z that was a couple sled lengths ahead of Boost
These sleds went through multiple heats to get to the final and interesting enough this class had the most interest, participation, and attention of the day.
Everyone wanted to see these three sleds go head to head.
Bob, was that your Winder?
No I didnt race my sled its not stock so I would have to run against studded sleds and I don't run studs...so with conditions I would not have been competitive.
No I didnt race my sled its not stock so I would have to run against studded sleds and I don't run studs...so with conditions I would not have been competitive.

Ahhhh, so these were trail stockers.
