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  • Tom, Trying to find information on Bruce schrader to get my shocks redone. Pinoneer performance used to have a sheet to fill out and send? I remeber hearing that he was working from home? Can you help with his information?
    Thanks Terry
    • Like
    Reactions: Viper S
    I'm up north out of town. I'll send info when I'm back in town.
    I was looking for the info.. cant find it. Try starting a post and see if anyone else saved the info. Sorry.
    How do I change my screen name? Right now it is my real name and I want to change it to something more private
    You should actually message me on something like this not post on my public wall. But at any rate, and Admin is the only one that can change the names, so let me know what you want it changed too and Ill give it a shot.
    Sorry, those pic were not on TY, they were posted at the image shack offsite by the originator. If you change the spider guides with the latest version with O-rings that will help the rattle.
    You know this is a public message area and if you wanted to send me a private conversation you should click on the "Contact" under the users name or start conversation in the profile.
    Can you disable me account with username Wildwilly it was an old newbie account that I had way back in 2011 and was forgotten about I am a lifetime member under PHILCHY and I don't want to cause problems with having two accounts, my home computer logs me in under one account and my laptop logs me in under another can you help? thanks phil.
    I will remove this account.
    Dear Mr. Sled

    How about an alert feature that sends an alert when someone we are following posts something. I see them if I go into "my news feeds" but it would be nice to get an alert.

    Other than that, the site ROCKS
    Post it as a new thread in the Site Help/News area and I will see if that functions exists.
    You might be considered a stalker...LOL
    Hi Mr Sled. I have seen on more than one occasion that you use Curve skis with slim jims. I just recently decided to go that route myself and admit that you had an influence, but rest assured that I won't blame you if I do not like them.

    I have a couple of questions though, do you use the leading edge? Also which slim jims do you use?

    well it works from here today I think the work computer needed to restarted for update to take full effect and that caused the problem thanks again.
    well now im at home and it works must have been the work cpu. sorry to bug you had an important question to ask deciding on pulling the trigger on a 07 phazer never had one always wanted one now I have to opportunity to buy one and had to ask the boys about it. thanks all the same.
    Glad it works... I would guess it the work security.
    this is the only place i can type when i try to open a new thread it will let me title but not type in the next section and when i get to the botom of the threads that exist i dont have a box to type in tried in apex and yamaha general and phazer general and can not respond to any its like the box dont exist.
    Have you tried logging in from another computer?
    Have you tried it in another browser?
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