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M7 track tightening questions (to Holz or not?)


Jan 5, 2006
Now that I have a few rides on my '06 M7 skid/162x16x2.3x2.52 setup, I'm trying to figure out where the various rubs are. Clearance is pretty tight but overall I'm pretty impressed i.e. I can do at 1/2 throttle what used to get me stuck at full.

I can definately see the track tightening when I run the suspension through its travel. 1/2 a turn in the track tension adjustment makes a big difference. Those of you that went to the Holz front arm relocation brackets, was it worth it? I'm just not seeing how raising that mount point is going to make more than a little difference. The local Cat dealer was trying to sell me on the new '07 rear arm which eliminates the torque arm links (about $120). The claim was it would reduce track tightening. Seems like BS as the thing makes zero geometry change far as I can see.
Sometimes though my little brain doesn't visualize these things all that well so I'd be interested in your real world opinions on either of the above mentioned mods to the '06 and earlier M7 skids.

I guess the question really is, were you able to find a happy medium tension that would allow you no ratchetting, and enough suspension travel? I'm finding I'm using very little of the tension adjustment (well within the first third) no ratcheting but clearly too tight for good travel. If I loosen up, its fine on the trails but suspect I was ratchetting a little in the deep.

Thanks all, Mark

On my sled with the M7/A20 it hangs about 1.25" from the rails with no tension on it. No ratcheting but the suspension travel isnt the 13" like AC says. It does travel though. Nothing like the 22" on my Ekholm
Do the brackets from Holz. If you notice Cat incorporated the rail correction in the 07 rails on the M7 so there is definatley a problem. I did the brackets and the skid works way better no tension issues, no ratcheting.

Yup, do the brackets. When you say it would make "little difference"......look at the angle of that pendulum. When it swings up 3-4" of travel, it will have swung back almost an inch!!!! Think about your entire skid travelling backwards 1". That is a problem. Just do it.

Thanks for the replies on this guys,
Think I will definately order the brackets, I've come this far, whats another $69. See what you mean about the arc of travel on the front. An inch would be huge. Seems even raising it though there will still be some tightening but if it gets me another few inches vertically before overtightening the track it would be worth it.

I had an interesting thing happen when I pulled the rear bolts holding the skid to the drop brackets. It did not want to go back in the same hole and lined up perfectly with the next hole to the rear (about 3/4"). I have some Vanamberg drop brackets that have about 25 holes. Can't recall if when I measured that initially the rear springs were undone, but went with the new position. Seems to have allowed more travel (perhaps it loosened track tension).

Had it out today in the bottomless for the first time (very heavy stuff). Definately have a slight vibration or rubbing when in the untracked which goes away when I hit firmer ground or run full throttle (which is far less necessary than before). Rail tips look fine, not seeing any unusual wear but need to check the underside of the front shock mount as mentioned in one of Trxsters previous threads. Maybe its just the drivers wearing in to the new track.

All in all, its night and day compared to the stock 151. Almost too easy. I was pushing walls of heavy snow in front of the sled and submarining underneath it. Even if I stopped in a bad spot, reverse now actually has a function for getting unstuck. Very pleased, just hope I did it right and it holds up for the season.

So far, I've not gotten around to modding the Apex seat so I've been riding without any seat. Haven't missed it really ;)!

Thanks again, Mark
I ordered the Holz relocation brackets today. We shall see how much I will get raped for shipping. I just ordered a Hartman tunnel extension and shipping is $100 bucks.

Life is good in Canada.
Sorry to hear that Pete about the shipping. I think I paid about $25us for the extension shipping from Hartman but I'm only one state away (what a great guy to deal with). Its a nice unit. Fits perfectly and plenty of nice rivets included.

Lemme know how the holz brackets work out for you. I'm kind of limiting my riding a bit this year to the best days (which have been few and far between due to high freezing levels). I've got a pretty happy medium tension going so as long as I ride when its really deep, suspension is barely required.

Happy submarining, Mark
Fedex called me today regarding my Hartman tunnel extension. They won't ship it to me unless I pay another 37 bucks in duty tax. Tom and his website said no duty tax. It should be in next week sometime so they said.


There is zero snow to ride so I guess I am saving a $1/litre in gas to help fund my spending.
RX1MPete, shipping is killer eh! I alway ship POST and make sure US shipper marks as "used" parts and with a low value. I have rarely paid anything extra, and I have ordered tons of stuff! With proper paperwork and little patience it can be affordable to order from the US! Get that skid in too, the snow will come and then you'll be sorry!
I am still working on my garage. Got the oil furnace installed and now have to insulate one more wall.

Then I can start looking into the skid (finally).

