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Michigan RX-1 Insurance rates. Who is better??


Apr 13, 2003
Just called state farm to cover my new 05 and it was raised from 400 a year to 755. I had a 03 RX-1 WTF. No claims and good driving record. They also have my home owners around 700 a year. Can anyone in Michigan have a better rate??? Thanx :o|

I live in Kalamazoo,I pay under $275.00 a year for an "04 Warrior LE.
However,I had to let them insure both of my cars to get that price.(Liberty Mutual) :4STroke: :4STroke:
Hey snowstalker, can you tell me what agency you work with?? I can insure a couple cars with it also. Thanks everyone for your help
I Have State Farm on a 03 RX-1 ER This year it dropped to $350 from $400 . rates seem to vary ALOT, WHY ? anybody here in the business ? :yam:
O.K., here we go, INSURANCE 101, yes I am in the business, very, very boring, but great money. ALL, and yes I mean ALL insurance is group insurance, and it is very regional. Meaning it is broken down to zip code area, or even smaller. The smaller the group, the less money coming into the group, one large claim, and BOING, up go the premiums. When the premiums go up, people switch ins. companies. So less money into group and BOING BOING up go the premiums. The premiums will change due to address more than any other reason. Try getting a quote from a different address. Its kind of tuff to decide where, less populated area, but more sleds insured. What I am tring to point out is, it only takes a couple of claims in the group, and your insurance will go up. So try to get into another group. By the way I have State Farm, $225 a year. I've been looking into getting my License in WI and MI to sell sled insurance. No I am not going to get my license in NY, that is one messed up state.
Liberty Mutual

Snowstalker - I also live in Kalamazoo, I deal with Liberty Mutual on West Main and I have found their rates / claim service are both very good.
